Chapter 4

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furtive; sly

"So you're spending your precious time here?"

The two walked around the mall side by side. "Just tell me if your hungry already." Soojin casually said, the expression on her face not changing even a bit.

'Her resting bitch face'

"Okay and please can you at least smile, you're scaring the people around us." Shuhua said but the older just scoffed at her. "I don't care if they are scared of me or what, I'm supposed to be accompanying you not to carry things for you." Soojin retorted, clicking her tongue in annoyance.

Shuhua frowns, "You insisted so don't start complaining to me." The younger rolled her eyes, completely leaving the older behind.

A lot of people were looking at them for some reasons.


S O O J I N -

I guided her inside the restaurant where me and Miyeon unnie usually eat together with the family. So far this is my favorite one, besides I'm more like tour guide for Shuhua.

"Welcome Ms. Seo, your sister arrived ten minutes ago." I looked at the waiter perplexed. I wonder why Miyeon unnie didn't tell me that she'd be eating here.

"We'll dine in with my sister." I simply said, I swear my arms are hurting already from carrying these shopping bags around. Shuhua doesn't even seem to care at all, after I chase away that guy for her this is how she treats me.

"Then this way ladies."

I arch my right eyebrow seeing my sister having her very sweet time eating with someone I knew very well.

"So you're spending your precious time here?" I uttered getting the both of them off guard. I look at my friend with scrutiny. And Shuhua's been somewhat silent for some reasons.

"Why are you here?" I can most definitely recognize the irritation from her tone of voice. I chuckled seeing my sister, "Am I not allowed to eat he-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence when I felt a tug on my coat.

I glanced at Shuhua who seems to be feeling uncomfortable.

"Can we dine at a different table?" her voice was getting tinier and softer. My gaze soften as I hold her hand, "We'll be leaving the two of you then, sorry for interrupting your date and Minnie unnie we'll definitely talk later." I said with finality before dragging Shuhua with me.

I don't want to pry on her personal affairs but it seems like Shuhua and Minnie unnie are acquainted with each other, I'm not dense enough not to notice how Minnie unnie was shifting her gaze from me to Shuhua.

But it seems like Shuhua is uncomfortable being around the same room with Minnie unnie.

Does curiosity really kills the cat?

"Do you want me to poke your eyes out?" I rolled my eyes, hearing Shuhua's sarcastic tone. Oh how drastic her mood changes. "You're so violent." I commented as we wait for our food to be served.

"I'll always resort to violence when it's you." I smirk while listening to her. We're 85 centimeters apart, she wouldn't be mad right?

I pushed my chair back a little so I can move my upper body freely. Swiftly holding both of her hand down on the table, I move my face closer to her. Her lips are very inviting, it's tempting.

"You can't always resort to violence sweetie." I whispered to her ear not forgetting to softly blow into it making her shudder. I look around us and no one seems to be putting their attention to us.

I couldn't help but smile seeing the visible red tint on her cheeks. I'm gonna have so much playing with her.

She can't even fire back a response because the waiter is already beside our table with our food.


Not being comfortable in the presence of a person doesn’t necessarily mean that you care about that person. It can mean many thing from having negative emotions pent up to simply having painful memories being brought up.

A lot of people don’t really understand what we mean when we’re saying, “Hey, your ex is acting uncomfortable.”

Ultimately, it means that they’re acting strange. They’re showing off. They’re really uneasy around you or they’re acting awkward.

Well, so sometimes this is something that we see a lot when you go through a breakup. Then a few weeks later you’re out at the mall and you run into your ex at the mall and he’s acting completely odd. She's showing off or she’s acting strange or whatever.

Shuhua never paid attention to anyone not until a certain Thai suddenly came to her life, giving her life full of colors and meanings.

As if it just gave her a new meaning of how we should live our life.

Gradually she started to pay more attention to the people around her but the more she pays attention to it, the more her vision is being opened to the truth that what she expected will bring her disappointment instead.

Maybe she was naive to believe that all of the Thai's action meant something.

She ended up hurting herself.

They weren't exactly in a relationship as per what the Thai said to her but looking back to all the things they did together. She couldn't help but get mad at herself for falling for it.

"Hey you're spacing out." Shuhua felt something cold pressing against her cheek. "Have some soda, you must be thirsty." Soojin sat beside the younger who's been silent up until now even though they were already out of the restaurant.

"Do you want me to take you home?" Soojin asks as she opens her own can of soda. "Accompany me until the end of the day please." Soojin's attention immediately shifted completely towards the girl beside her.

"As you want then." Soojin smiles, gulping down the soda to ease the her thirst.

Shuhua somehow felt assured and safe talking to Soojin.

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