Chapter 43

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/ ˈfä-(ˌ)lō /

to go after or on the track of

"I like you so much Shuhua."

There are people in your life that will try to put you on a leash, drag you out wherever they want and carve a name for who they want you to be, but in the end, they are only partially at fault, for you just keep on handing them straws and zip the life out of you until it drains , then you will live the rest of your days crawling in a cold ground of regrets from the heated choices you've made in trying to prove your worth.

It makes you wonder what you have become. You have become nothing but a hole, living without a soul.

"I'll go follow Miyeon, it's starting to rain." Soojin nodded, watching Minnie opening an umbrella. Soojin's mind is clouded with thoughts, the way she lied to the person she loves gives an unpleasant feeling in her stomach.

She knows that she have to talk to Shuhua about this but she can't have the courage to risk Shuhua's career just so she can escape from her own problem.

Her grandfather was right, it's hard to get back.

Miyeon washed her hands when she heard the rain pouring outside. She suddenly started laughing out of nowhere while looking at herself in the mirror.

"I really am hopeless in love." Miyeon mumbles under her breath, but she jumped in surprise when she heard Minnie's voice calling out to her. "Miyeon?" Minnie stood outside, under the umbrella.

After a minute, Miyeon came out. "Let's go." Minnie wrapped her arm over Miyeon's shoulder, pulling the older close to her not wanting Miyeon to get wet by the rain. "Soojin is already inside the car." Minnie utters, she's practically hugging Miyeon at this point.

In all honesty, Miyeon feels weird everytime Minnie is around. Minnie is caring, a gentlewoman, kind, and sweet. She's not used to being the cared of.

Minnie chuckles as she opens the car door of the passenger seat. "You might want to get inside the car now and stop staring at my face." Miyeon quickly avoids eye contact with the latter.

Struggling to figure out how someone feels about you when it's too early to say things like "I love you" can be maddening, but It really just comes down to the issue of our inability to interpret and decipher nonverbal cues. There are countless little ways people subconsciously show that they care throughout our everyday lives. And when you start taking notice of all the little comments, sacrifices, favors and interests people make and take when they're around you, you won't need those promises to know that you are loved.

Minnie said just a moment ago that she hasn't given up on Shuhua and that slightly stirred her emotions. She may have taken an interest to Minnie right now but she's done crushing onto someone who's obviously not into her.

So Minnie is out of her possible love interest now.

Minnie is strangely reserved when it comes to her intentions but she's seemingly forward with her actions and that's what Miyeon is oblivious about.

"Have you told her?" Miyeon glanced at Soojin who's sitting so calmly as ever. "No I haven't." Soojin honestly replies, "And why is that?" and now it has come down to her being interrogated.

"Can we drop this topic for now? I'm tired and I want to sleep." Minnie started the car, not giving much thought to what the two were actually talking about.


"It's the last day of the shoot tomorrow so we're going to wrap up early, get some proper rest now." Muxi closes the door after reminding Shuhua.

The younger flops down her bed, reaching her phone to check if Soojin has texted her or anything but there was none. She thought that maybe Soojin is already at the airport by this time.

A knock suddenly came in, "Are you still awake Shuhua?" Shuhua left her phone on her bed as she opens the door immediately recognizing the voice. "Of course I am Debby. Do you need something?" Shuhua asks opening the door more to let her friend in.

"Nothing in particular actually, just wanted to check on you. I heard you went out for dinner." The two comfortably sat down on the bed. "Ah yeah, I went with Soojin." The smile on Shuhua's face was bright as she mentions her favorite person.

Shuhua suddenly got worried when silence surrounded them for some reasons.

"You know that I have never been interested to anyone but then there's this particular person who made me feel things. And then the person left then came back. Do you think I should give it a shot?" Shuhua acted as if she was thinking earning a slap on her arm from Debby.

"I guess you should, there's nothing wrong in trying."

Shuhua was stuck frozen when Debby pulled her, their lips met with each other but Shuhua strongly pushed Debby away, wiping her lips.

"I like you so much Shuhua."

Minnie was waiting inside the car while waiting for Miyeon and Soojin to come out of the building. They all agreed that it's best to stick all together so Soojin is going to stay with them in their suite.

She got out of the car when Miyeon stepped out of the building with Soojin following behind. "I'll take this." Minnie grabs onto the bag Miyeon was holding. It wasn't even big, not even close to the size of a backpack.

"I can carry it fine." Soojin walked passed by the two, putting her things inside the compartment. "You're tired, let me." Miyeon rolled her eyes in annoyance. "I said that I can carry it. Are you deaf?" Minnie was taken aback by Miyeon's sudden outburst towards her.

"I get it you're kind but I can definitely carry this on my own, so stop insisting. You're confusing me." Miyeon walked ahead of the latter as Minnie stood there still letting the words sink into her.

"Why are you angry?" Soojin asks as she gets her bag from Miyeon. "Can we switch sits?" Soojin nodded not getting an answer from her question.

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