Picnic date 💖

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You invited Justin over to your place to have cute picnic in the backyard

Bringing out the plates to set up among the trays of food to prepare it before he comes cause you want it the day to go perfect?....well if

"I hope I have everything?" you said nervously double checking and point at things

You heard a knocked from distance and smiled, standing up to dust off your yellow flowery dress

running up to the door you stop and took a minute

"Just breathe" you said to yourself before opening the door

you smiled opened the door and saw Justin with stuff in his hand

"Oh babe? I told you! you didn't need to bring anything" you said tried taking the stuff off his hands

"Oh no! I'm fine just guide me to the set up ?" said Justin lifting up his pinky that was only free

You guides his pinky to the backyard and stopped him

"Do you need help putting them down?" you asked searching for his face with all the things he holding

"Nah I got it but give me sec" he said kneeling down slowly

you sat down waiting patiently to see what he brought
while he slowly took the things off you noticed a small pink box that fell out of his pocket

"These are for you?" he said holding a bouquet of flowers that are colorful like pastel colors

"Oh? aren't you such a gentleman" you said shocked by the cute bouquet

Justin glanced at the picnic you made and he was very happy til his jaw drop when he saw your dress

you didn't noticed at first cause the flowers were grabbing your attention

"is uh....your—dress ne- new?" Justin asked stuttering his words trying to talk to you

"sort of— I found it in the back of the closet?" you said smiling

Justin likes the dress you were wearing which made him keep looking at you more

"wanna start eating?" you asked taking the container lids off

Justin didn't answer your question with his eyes were on something else

you looked over at Justin to see if he heard you or not?

"Justin?" you said shaking his shoulder waved your hand

"Huh? What?" said Justin came back from reality

"you hungry?" you asked handing him grapes first

Justin grabbed couple handful of grapes to munch on to keep himself calm

While he was eating you moved your leg a little out with the dress had slip on the side which showing your leg

"Sparkling lemonade okay for yeah?" you asked pour him a drink in a glass cup

He nodded his head by taking the cup from you and chugging it down

you were surprised of him being weird today which was odd of him

Before you spoke he shake head for no more 

Justin remembered the pink small box he got yesterday which was meant for you

"Here's little gift I got you?" he said handed you the box

"aweee babe you didn't need to get me anything?" you said opening the box and found a necklace that's shape as moon

you moved your hair to the side to put on the necklace on your neck

"How is it? you asked placing it straight

"It's perfect" he said smiling knew  you love the gift

you smile and hug him for such a romantic gift you ever received

you gave him little peck on the lips but before you let go? he grabbed the back of your head gently and kiss you again

Justin slowly laid you down on the blanket and continued to kiss you

You stopped the kiss for minute and said something

"I'm sorry I didn't get you anything?" you said with your arms around his neck

He lean towards your neck and give you tiny pecks to on your chest then slowly to your collarbone area cause he knew you liked that part. He heard you gasp softy and he did little more

"I got better idea?" said Justin hovering over you

"What?"you said looking at him cup your hands to his face

He smirk and your eyes got big and stand up for minute

"What's wrong?" He asked worried he did something

"Uhh I think—-I— heard the phone ring?" you said getting up quickly

"I didn't hear a phone?" said Justin glanced back you and saw you  looked at him and ran

"Y/N?!! you can't run from me? GET YOUR CUTE BUTT  BACK HERE?" said Justin getting up to run after you

you giggled and started to run all around the house

After 9 minutes of squealing and screaming he finally caught you He whispered something in your ear

"Can't we finished our picnic first?" you asked

"It can wait" said Justin smirking

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