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you got off work and heard your phone ring but you knew it could be Regie calling

"Can I call you back Regie?" you said looking for something in your purse

"who's Regie dear?" asked the person on the phone

you looked at the caller ID saw it was your grandmother

"Ohh! Grandmother? How are you?" you asked hold the phone right to your ear and have to speak on

"I'm fine dear I hope you heard about the wonderful news that I need to discuss with you?" said grandma

You reached to the door an pulled out your keys til someone tap your shoulder but you had fast  reflex so you grabbed the person's arm and twist it

"Ow! Wait it's me?" said a voice feeling hurt

you looked over your shoulder and saw familiar face

"Honey? you okay? I heard something?" asked grandma sounding concerned

"I'm fine— I'm fine it's just I got scared of shadow, sorry for scaring you" you said and saw Regie standing by your side

"Don't sneak up on me that like Regie?" you said whispering telling him to come in

He nodded his head and took off his shoes by the door

"so what's the news grandma?" you asked putting your purse down on the floor

"Yes your Aunty niece is getting married and she wants you be her maid and honor" said grandma waiting on my response

"that's amazing!" You said pretending to be excited rolling your eyes

"Let me give you the details?" said grandma sounded like she's getting something

While you wait you put yourself muted you went and sat by Regie

"you do know you don't need to come all the way over here? Besides how did you get here?" you asked curiosity

"I was bored at home so wanted see if you made it home?" said Regie trying to play it cool

"Uh huh? you said squinting my eyes at him to tell if he telling the truth

"Dear? you still there?" asked grandma

"Yes? Yes I'm here?" you said unmuting yourself to answer here

While talking for couple minutes you realized the conversation was never gonna end

Regie saw how bored you were so he wanted to spicy it up a little

He began kissing your neck but made his way up to your ear. You looked over at him by his actions

"don't do this right now?" you said moving his head out of your way

But Regie couldn't resist so he pin down your arm and still continue his way

It feel good til he went towards your lip which that makes you turn on more

He placed the phone on the coffee table to bring you over onto his lap

You moved your hair to side and started to kiss back softy. He moved his shirt out his way so he can take off your clothes little by little

Unbutton your shirt was slowing you both down but he liked to take his time with you

"Y/n? Dear I have to get going I'll call you first thing tomorrow? Okay? she said waiting on me

You turn around to grab the phone and held it to my ear

"Okay? Sounds fine have good night?" you said on your end

Her side ended the call

You felt relieved and put your head against Regie's

"I kinda don't wanna go any further? I'm tired" you said getting off Regie's lap

He put his head back to slowly die down his breathing

"It's okay but can I stay over?" he asked looking for his shirt

"If you want? Yeah" you said getting up from the couch and picked up his shirt off the floor

You stopped by the door way and lean on it

"If you want your shirt? you better come get it?" You said teasing

Regie got up and made his way towards you

"can't back down now?" He said grabbing your waist to put you down gently and hover over you

your fingers traced his back to get grip of it to bring his body closer to you

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