This chapter and a few more will be written as a script as it takes to long to re-write it into first person... sorry if u don't enjoy reading scripts, but yeah... anyway, happy reading!
~ Amara and Allegra go and sit down with the other girls from the suite~
Allegra- ok, Amara this is Firosa~ Firosa wore a long black jacket with sleeves and a green shirt, she also had light brown leather shoes. She had green eyes and long dark brown silky, smooth, straight hair~
Firosa- hey, nice to meet u Amara
~ she says with a smile ~
Amara- it's nice to meet you as well FirosaFirosa- I may be a stubborn at first but you as you warm up to me I'll be nicer. OH! That's sounds rude, sorry! Let's start over. Hey I'm Firosa and I can't wait to get to know you!
~ she says while being embarrassed and trying to smile. They both giggle ~
Amara- it's fine honestly, I know what you were trying to say.
Firosa- thank god, oh! erm this is Mira~ Mira wears a white t shirt with a blue cardigan, and brown trousers. She had dark brown eyes and red natural hair~
Mira- hello Amara, it is lovely to meet you
Amara- it's lovely to meet you as well Mira. Do, do I know you from somewhere? I feel like we have met before. Any family that I may know?
Mira- I don't believe that we have. I have a father and that's it really. I had a mother but I doubt you would know her.
Amara- had?
Mira- yes, she passed away when I was just a baby.
Amara- oh I'm so sorry
Mira- oh no no no, It's fine i never met her so I don't really know if I would have liked her or not ~ she chuckles~ her name was Aubrey, she passed away in a tragic fire. A gas's leek I think it was, well that's what the police said.
Amara-I see, what did you say your last name was?
Mira- I didn't say but it's Adeline, why do you ask?
Amara- oh it's nothing, don't worry. Let's eat!~ everyone chooses some food off of each plate, some people pickier then others, and place it on their plate before gobbling it all up. Amara looks over to another table to see the teachers chatting and frequently looking over at her, she looks back to her table looking a bit fuzzled~
Amara- Allegra
~ Allegra looks over to Amara with a spoon in her mouth that was full of milk and cereal after having attempted, and failed, to balance cheerios on a spoon to make a tower and then them falling into the bowl of milk and splashing her, but her not being bothered to clear it up, and her then eating it.~Allegra- mhm
~ Allegra takes the spoon out of her mouth and swallows the cereal~
Amara- why are them teachers over there staring at me.
Allegra- your the new girl who wasn't here for induction day when all of the other new kids like me were. Your like their new toy.
Amara- oh. That's Miss Whitlock right?
Allegra- mhm, she is so having sex with Mr Liam
Firosa- Leah saw them going into Whitlocks room the other night~ Allegra carries on eating her cereal. Amara looks back over to the teachers and makes eye contact with miss Whitlock, the one she talked to at the desk yesterday~
~The bell rings and Firosa puts her hand on Amara's shoulder~
Firosa- come on Am your gonna be late to first period
Mira- yeah you don't want to miss out on gym class!
~ they say while walking of backwards but turn around when they are done ~
Allegra- it's only first period?
~ she says shocked ~~ the girls sit on a bench in the gym hall, all dressed their school gym uniform watching the other girls play basketball~
Mira- yeah erm no
Amara- I don't even know how to play basketball ~ she scoffs~
Allegra- I'm not going out there
Firosa- this class is a joke
FantasiVampire, witch, Werwolf all inside one person. A tribrid called Amara, who is 16. She is the only one of her kind and is really 1000 years old, nobody suspects her to be a monster who is of this age. She goes to a boarding school with a few witches...