Chef Pee Pee's Biggest Secret!

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Continue from Chef Pee Pee Leaves!

Room 301

It's morning, Chef Pee Pee had been already woke up early. Thinking about what happened yesterday as he was looking at the hotel's window. He then looked back at his roommates, who were still asleep. Junior was cuddling Thomas.

Chef Pee Pee: Ok, today is the day where I'm going to see the king. But should I really tell everyone that I'm a lost prince? I mean, they would nice enough to not tell everyone in the world about this!

Then Boss woke up.

Boss: Chef Pee Pee. Why are  you up so early?

Chef Pee Pee: Because I have a meeting plan with the King of Strongbottom!

Boss: Then don't get up that early! You're gonna need that energy you know?

Chef Pee Pee: Sorry Boss, but I couldn't fall asleep right now.

After that, Junior woke up along Thomas.

Junior: That was a good sleep! Morning, Thomas.

Thomas: Morning, Junior.

Marvin then entered Room 301

Marvin: Good morning, everyone! And Chef Pee Pee! You better get ready for the meeting!

Chef Pee Pee: Ok! I'm going!

Joseph, Cody and Jeffy entered the room.

Joseph: Hey Junior!

Cody: Morning, Junior.

Jeffy: Yeet-ha!

Junior: What's up, guys?!

Cody: Hey little dude, are you feeling alright now?

Thomas: I'm alright now.

Marvin: Ok everyone, Brooklyn and Rose are waiting down there! You better get ready!

Boss: Ok fine, I'm going.

Hotel, G/F

After everyone finishing their breakfasts, they prepared to leave to the Strongbottom Palace.

Marvin: Hey, Chef Pee Pee. Are you nervous?

Chef Pee Pee: Little bit, because I'm gonna meet my-

He realized he's in the public.

Chef Pee Pee: ...The king.

Rose: Hey Marvin! After we left the castle, should we go on a date?

Marvin: Yeah sure.

???: Hey everyone! I'm back!

Marvin: Huh?! Goodman?!

Goodman entered the hotel, now fully recovered.

Goodman: Miss me? I was the one who helped you all from these damn killers!

Chef Pee Pee: Hey Goodman, I wanted to say. Can you join us to the Strongbottom Palace?

Goodman: Oh yeah, sure! I can go with you all!

Junior: Oh Thomas! You're such a cute little engine!

Thomas: Don't call me that!

Goodman: Oh, it's that thing again.

Chef Pee Pee: Yeah, they quickly become friends fast because Junior was his favourite toy back then.

Junior: Hey Thomas, guess what? Before I met you. I used to play with the toy version of you a lot! I even got it on my shoulder like if it was riding on me!

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