1 • Mya

588 20 4

A shadow casts over me, blocking the sun for a moment and I look up.

"Here," Sophie says, handing me another drink. She tucks a strand of her long raven hair behind her ear but it doesn't stay in place from the breeze so she gives up.

"I'm going to be shit faced by three, if you keep shoving drinks in my face," I laugh as I accept the drink. It was noon and this was my third drink already.

"Good, then it won't just be us drunk," Sophie giggles, as she waves her hand between her and Ava.

I look at Ava, our best friend, as she lays on the chair. She wore a big white floppy hat that was covering part of her face.

"I think she's already out," I smile as I lean over, gently shaking her, and she doesn't even move. Yup.

"Seriously Ava, get your ass up!"Shopie kicks her chair but Ava's knocked out.

"Maybe, if you had just let us sleep for an hour or two after we got here then we wouldn't be dead tired."

"Exactly," Sophie exclaims,"we just got here and you guys want to sleep? What are you? Grandmas?" She gives up on Ava and drops down in her lounge chair that was on the other side of me.

"Grandma's have it good, as they get to fucking sleep when they want. Instead of being dragged to the beach after being on a plane for hours and then having you shove drinks down our throats." I throw my arms up. "We are here for 4 days, Soph, we just wanted a power nap, then we start the fun. Now you get to deal with us as we relax with our eyes closed."

She pushes her red lips out into a pout but it doesn't work. "Fine," she groans. "I guess we can lay here for a bit, soak up the sun, and then have some fun."

I take a sip of the fruity drink. "Good."

Ava's hand falls off her lounge and I secretly high five her without Sophie seeing.

I love Sophie but she can be hyper and always like to be on the go. We just wanted a minute to relax. We have a few days here to have fun, and we plan to make the best of it.

My sunglasses cover my closed eyes and I sigh. The smell of the ocean breezes over us and I enjoy it. I missed the beach. We came here last year and the year before. Since that first year, we said we would come back every year. It's the one thing we always look forward to.

It also reminded me of him. Dark brown hair and green eyes flash in my mind and I sigh. This time last year I had met him. We had an incredible time. I picture his sexy grin and close my eyes tighter but it doesn't stop the flashes of him. Of his touches. His lips. His voice. And the way he made my body burn for him. It was perfect, until it wasn't.

I rub my chest, above my heart, that aches. Though it was only days, by the end he owned my heart.

He took it with him when he left.

I jolt as someone shakes me and I sit up quickly, looking around. "What?" I ask, my voice a bit groggy. I didn't even notice I passed out.

Ava and Sophie are standing in front of me with their hands out. "Let's get something to eat before the restaurants get busy," Ava says.

I grab their hands and they yank me up, almost making me trip. Which of course they laugh at.
"Dicks," I mutter as I grab my phone off the chair.

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