it's the fInAl cOuNtDoWn~

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Peter grabbed his book and a usb stick and ran to Tony's lab.

He opens his computer and plugged open his usb. Opening the book he started spouting off random nonsense to Tony.

"Da- TONY! listen ok the Mr Waterson has a dead wife he's gonna pull apart reality to stop it, but it's gonna tear OUR reality most likely killing us all"

Tony took a moment to process what was happening

"So what do we do?"

Peter was typing quickly into his computer looking at the book ever few seconds.

"I'm makeing a kill code to shut down the macheine and so we can put him in jail, we have ten days"

Tony instantly got on the phone with fury and told him. Then texted the avengers to alert them.

Ten days till the world ends, Peter's makeing a usb to solve or problem stay on your toes.

Uncle bruce
Uh, uh, um ok me Peter and you make the code everyone else spy and train for the attack!?

Agreed alerting fury...he says that was the plan I just "explained it like a dumbass"

Uncle clint
I'll get everyone over here this is a ...avengers level threat.

Uncle Clint
I always wanted to say that

Alright shut it, Natasha you are in charge of training everyone

Auntie Natasha
Got it

Pepper, sweetie can you make sure fury and us are all updated


Uncle Brucie my lab now

Uncle bruce
I didnt agree to that name and be right there

I'm a quarter of the way there:D
Also yes to all this plan!

This was it Peter had to do this right. 10 days is all he has untill everyone dies.

And Mabey 11 untill he finally feels complete. This is what we'll get those bad thoughts out of his head, right?

Peter shook those thoughts away and focussed on working. When Bruce entered they went over the book.

The night was filled with hacking, programing, calls, reading and stress.

While the avengers trained Bruce, Tony and Peter did what needed to be done.

Two days and the kill code was made 8 days left.

They went over the layout of oscorp, where the machine will most likely be and finding out anything that will help.

No days could be waisted now that they have the kill code.

A meeting with Fury later and Harley was involved. They needed anyone powerfully enough to help with this.

Against Monty Waterson.

8 days

One try

Today was spent going over battle plans and training.

Bruce practicing bringing out the Hulk.

Peter with agility and swinging.

Wanda's telekinesis.

Everyone needed to do something.

A robbery was being reported by oscorp. One book with a red velvet cover with the name

Docter Watterson

And docter Matthew

On the front.

No one expected the earth's mightiest Heroes to have it.

But no one expected five villains to also be looking for it.


Doc oc



The vultur

Everyone had things on the line. But only one team could win.

With oscorp:

"I don't care we have 8 days left and the books missing, I won't let some stuck up hero get in my way"

Mr Waterson slammed his fist on the table during a private meeting with the five.

"Besides...I'll pay you handsomely once I get my wife"

The five villian nodded, it's there dream to squash a certain spider who always foiled there plans.

Now they squash the whole nest.
Now they can get rid of the hero's and get paid for it. Find there wife.

Ignorant to the death that will come from it.

another spiderson wrong number auWhere stories live. Discover now