Chapter 2 - Green Beast Turns Red

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New stocks we ordered had arrived and so I spent my day off from ninja work to my dad's workplace, it was sort of my sideline. From small stocks of food to liquid items I pile them separately into their respective areas in all corners of the room. With such excessive effort I begin to sweat from this kind of work out that I actually find fun. Many customers kept coming and going which makes me really happy since our business was going well plus earning alot. A few friends came to buy groceries too. Kiba brought Akamaru along while he shopped, it was a good thing his dog knew good manners as a civilized pet. Shikamaru I know is not fond of doing the grocery, but probably stopped by to buy his father's favorite soda. Chouji was our most valuable customer, well, for we know the reason. He loves to get all the new stocks of chips. I recommended Dad to order more because of his fondness for junkfood. Sometimes I could give him some for free as a reward for coming to our market often. Neji, for me, is creepier than this guy name Shino. When Neji comes over and browses some things in a corner shelf of one section, I wouldn't dare pass by his way. 'Cause I always get this creepy feeling crawling whenever I see him. It was like I was being watched even when he wasn't looking just minding his own business. If you would ask me which of them shall I entertain if ever they need assistance, I'd say I would go for Shino. Atleast he talks nicely despite that he wasn't the loud type. Unlike Shino, I guess it is a must to watch out what to say to Neji. He was an opposite to his cousin, Hinata. Ever since I passed the Chunin exam, I get to be more recognized by these well known strong ninjas. Friendly relationships with them were starting to develop. And I always remind them that I was a schoolmate in our Academy but from different section, then most would always go like, "Ooh! So you're Nightwayne, huh? No wonder you look so familiar."

"New order from Richikowa Store. Can you deliver this box for me, sweetheart? I've got other more important stuff to take care of here." my dad asks as he handed over the paper to me which had the complete address of our client, then he left hurriedly to the other room without even telling me which box I should take. It couldn't be helped, Dad was too busy so I decided to look for it myself. I went in the stock room and scanned every box there was, until I found a box half my height that had the matching address as what was written in the paper in my hands. Unfortunately, there was no current available stroller I can use to transport the box. Instead, I had the ridiculus idea, it is to carry it with my own puny arms. What else can I do? Clock was ticking and surely my customer couldn't wait if I spare the time to figure out a better idea . It was heavy, I guess it contains can goods inside for I could hear metal cans clinging. It took me almost ten minutes to reach the entrance door which was just a kilometer away from the stockroom. So tiring and my knees were starting to shake. "Wasn't my training and all not good enough to carry this much??" I yelled within my mind. Slowly I walked with heavy steps towards the doorway when I accidentally tripped over something hard. The box was about to slide in my arms but then somebody helped me back to balance. I was slightly shock to realise that the person beside me was Lee, placing his arms underneath the other side of the heavy box. "Whoa! Better be more careful!" he chuckles with a concern look. I bent my head and huffed at another box beneath me that was not fully unpacked yet and said, "Darn, I forgot to place that aside." I looked back to him. "Gee, thanks alot, Lee!" We exchanged friendly smiles with no eye contact. It was a surprise to see Lee around here, for the first time. He never came to visit, after all, there are other stores he can go to. Especially knowing he spends most of his time training with his favorite mentor. I asked if he wanted to something. He gasped, couldn't answer straight.

"I uh.. I am here to buy uh..." he stammered. " buy a shirt! Yeah, a shirt!" he said then cleared his throat. It was funny, knowing that there were no 'shirts' around. I can hardly force myself not to laugh.

"Uhm...Actually, we don't sell clothes here. This is a market, you see." he turns his head scanning the area then clearly gets it.

"So it is. I thought I saw T-shirts by your window."