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so am i the bad guy? idk. does it matter? not really. anyways...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~therapy who?~~~~~~~~~~~~~
do you know when kids yell? so i either yell at them to stop. or zone out and its therapeutic as fuck. why? well i don't even know maybe because someone else is explaining how i feel without me loosing my lungs. because if i were to tell how I'm feel it would probably sound i little like that.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~fuck friends~~~~~~~~~~~~
you know what i hate? when i am acting 'different' around someone and the first thing they say is "why are you acting like that"and they make you feel like shit for acting out. instead of saying "are you okay what's got you acting like that" in a calm voice that makes me feel like I'm okay and everything is okay.

~~~~~~~~~~~i'm fucking superior~~~~~~~~~~
i feel like if there were a 7 billion of me worldwide like not 7 billion people walking around looking and acting like me but 7 billion people with the same mindset as me. it would be well... I'm perfect so fuck the world would be perfect. cant convince me otherwise.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ew food~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
i hate food. why does food have to be a humans fuel? it's exhausting nothing is good. i'm not a picky eater but like what the hell food has a weird texture and when you eat to much you feel like shit. why couldn't we be as cool as cars? we could be getting pumped with gas or like a tesla with electricity or whatever it uses.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~life is a joke.~~~~~~~~~~~~
life feels like a joke. like a game until mommy's yelling at you to clean your room than it feels like a chore. eating, working,sleeping. a never ending cycle of hell. what if this is hell?

i admire people who just get high you know? i never touched a drug in my life which is hilarious. i mean i've smoked hookah like once but thats like smoking water. but then i see a show of someone being an addict like 'euphoria or 'the basketball diaries. and i wish i never go through that or anyone i know go through that. shit sucks. to look at you know? like imagine that being in real life, to someone you know?sucks. but ya about drugs its kinda like awesome people are like happy for a moment and they forget everything or something like that?

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