Don't speak please..

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Y/n POV:

"What.." heart shattered. Why does this just happen after 5 years. I don't wanna live with her now! I have a boyfriend! I haven't had parental guidance since I was 8 and in the second grade!
"That's great!" Gregory cheered! "You can see your momma again!". But I don't want too. "What if I want to go to the orphanage instead" I muttered. "I already called your mother, she is preparing 2 rooms for you both!" The Aussie officer cheered. "Great" I smiled sarcastically. "Come on let's go!" The Aussie gestured at the door. Oh boy...
It was a big house and looked fairly nice. This is it. I got out of the cop car slowly. I don't know what my mom is like? It's been years. Is she still dating that scum bag? Is she a depressed mess with spiders on the walls. I climbed up the steps with caution. I shakily reached for the door bell. It didn't take long for a woman with long blue hair to answer the door. "My baby!" She squealed! "Heyyy mom" I said. She immediately embraced me with a tight hug. When she let go she saw Gregory standing behind me. "Hello Gregory, I'm Jennifer but you can call me JuJu" my mom said formally. I never remembered her name was Jennifer.
Jennifer showed us in inside. "Come upstairs with me. I'll show you your room!" She said happily. Surprisingly her house was spotless. But I have to share a room with Gregory. Ok ok fine. I've been doing this my whole life.
I followed her to a white door at the end of the hallway. Jennifer opened the door slowly. It revealed a really cute room. Vines and records flowed across the walls and ceiling. Two beds across from each other with plain blue bedding. A rug that said "roomies" in bold lettering. Ew. There was a cute window with those seat on them:

 There was a cute window with those seat on them:

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And book cases. Wow.
"I like it" I said. "I'm glad you do! This took hours to put together" she smiled. "I love it!" Gregory cheered! "Thanks Greg" Jennifer spoke. "tHaNkS gReG" I mocked her. She didn't hear me. That's when I noticed her hearing aid. I hate myself.
      Sooner or later Jennifer finished the house tour and let me go into my room and chill out. I picked up a book from the large shelves and opened it. I sat down on the window seat. Thank god it wasn't a surprise photo album. I read and read for hours. Somewhere along the time I was reading Gregory came in and sat down next to me while putting his head on my shoulder (Put Your head on my shoulllderrrrr oooooooo) he's too cute. He had fallen asleep though. I loved the the sun was also hitting my back against the window so I wasn't cold.
       "Y/n! Greg!" I heard Jennifer call for us "Dinner!". I was hungry. "Gregory" I whispered. "Time for dinner" I said. He opened his eyes slowly and sat up. I wonder how he managed to not fall off my shoulder. "Well it's about time" Gregory said sarcastically.
      We walked down the stairs and turned into the kitchen. "So kiddos are you ready to be enrolled in school!" Jennifer excitedly said! "Y/n! Baby girl!" She gasped! "You'll be able to see Mae-Chia again!!" She shrieked! "Who?" I asked. "You don't remember Mae-Chia?" She asked very confused. "No. I don't. All I remember about this life is your lousy boyfriend and being left in a car" I rudely said. "Y/n M/n L/n! Dong get mouthy with me on your first day home!" She got very upset. "Can we just eat please" Gregory interrupted just on time. "Yes kiddo" Jennifer smiled. Ugh.

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