Tw: derealization, blood

Jenny POV

 I was able to balance myself as I stood up. I glanced around the room, adjusting to the familiar layout. I walked downstairs to the kitchen. I tried to seem normal, but I must've failed because my mother gave me a worried expression. 

"You alright dear?"
"Y-yeah just had a bad dream.."
She nodded slowly and got back to making herself toast. 

Timeskip to at school cuz laziness ✨

I sprinted into the school yard, frantically looking around for Landon. I eventually spotted him.

"LANDON," I yelled and ran over to him. "Landon! Landon I need to- " I paused to catch my breath. "I need to talk to you about something."

He just stared at me, eyebrows furrowed and eyes filled with concern and confusion. I took a couple more minutes to calm down. 

"So last night something happened, I had a dream, but- well it felt completely real, like I could do whatever and feel stuff. Um but basically, I was in this world called Juni Dalloway, but I created all of it! I know it sounds weird but I like to create little mythical things in my freetime.." I rubbed the back of my neck and looked down awkwardly. "BUT that's not the point of this. So what happened was at the end of the dream I was with this girl, Zen, and she was nice and stuff. And then everything kinda, I dunno, glitched?? And it felt like my body was inside an old tv, and it was all staticy-" My rant was cut off by the bell. 

Landon looked really concerned for my sanity, which made me slightly aggravated. 

'Does he think there's something wrong with me??? That I need to see a mental doctor?? I don't. I know what happened last night and I know it wasn't a normal dream.'

"Look, we'll talk about this more at lunch, ok? I have to go to class now.." He said slowly, as if I wouldn't understand otherwise. I was still frustrated, but I knew I had to go to class as well. 

Throughout the 4 periods, I didn't pay attention to anything. All I could think about was how real the dream felt. And even though I tried to forget it, my mind kept wandering back to the end of the dream. When everything felt faded and only partly existent. When Zen gave me the freaky smile I didn't know was there. It felt too real. 

Next thing I knew, I was waiting for Landon at our newly made lunch spot; one of the Big Tree's low hanging, thick branches. 

I saw Landon coming over and a wave of guilt and regret swept over me. He looked stressed and papers were flying out of his opened backpack. I jumped off of the branch and rushed towards him and helped him with his papers. He stared at me wide eyed for a second before crouching and picking up the papers with me. 

"Thanks.. Uh you can finish what you were going to say before school now," Landon suggested now that we sat down on the branch. "Nah, you tell me what happened with you. You seem really stressed," I responded calmly. His needs were more important than one odd dream I had.

"Oh, really? It seemed like a really big deal for you."
"Alright, um well, My math teacher said that we had a new assignment to do..." 

As Landon continued to talk about his homework and stressful stuff in his life, I just listened and let him rant for a bit. He snuck some jokes in too, which made me laugh. They were usually insults, he seemed to like to jokingly insult people, and even sometimes objects. 

I never got to talking about the dream, in fact I forgot all about it. Talking to Landon is a good way to get your mind off something. 

The bell eventually rang, signalling the start of the next period. Landon and I parted ways and I walked to my next class. 

Timeskip again (its 3pm)

Once I reached my room, I chucked my backpack on the floor and flopped onto my bed. I was about to drift off to sleep, but then I remembered I had homework. I reluctantly dragged myself out of bed walked over to my desk. There were papers and pencils scattered on it from last night, but one in particular caught my eye. It was the paper with my character sheets on them. One of them of course including Zen. 

The memories of the forbidden dream came flooding back to me. I decided to try and google what it ment. 'Everyone knows google has all the answers to everything'

'What does it mean when a dream feels exactly like real life'

I found the term "Lucid dream" and decided to look more into it. With about an hour of searching I decided it didn't fit what happened. The sources I found described it as when someone realizes they are dreaming and can alter it. My dream didn't feel like that. It was more like I was transported to a different dimension than anything else. 

Timeskip 6 hours 

I was doing my homework and I glanced at the clock for what felt like the millionth time. Everytime I did so, the number had either barely changed or over an hour had passed. '10:21'

'I should finish this up soon so I can sleep.'

Once I was finally done, I packed everything back up into my bag for tomorrow and settled into my bed. As I drifted out of reality my mind went completely blank and I was sent to sleep. 

I woke up in the same field again. 

Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around expecting to see Zen again, but instead I was met with a short bipedal black cat with vibrant green eyes. 

"Y-yeah," she answered shyly. 

I had created Fishy when I wasn't feeling super amazing. She had trauma of her friends leaving her and she was the therapist of the world. I was honestly surprised she had the courage to come up to me. 

I grinned. "Well hi! I've always wanted to meet you," 

"Hell yeah!" She flinched a bit at my loud voice and I apologized. 

"I'm happy I'm here and all, but I do have some questions. Do you think you could answer them?" I asked calmly. "W-well I'm not very good with questions, but I can bring you to someone who can answer them." Fishy's voice was barely a whisper, but I was able to pick it all up in the quiet atmosphere of the empty field. 

"Thank you, Fishy," I beamed at her encouragingly and she awkwardly smiled in response. 

"This way then," Fishy explained and started walking into the same forest as last night.



sorry i didnt post a chapter yesterday, i didnt know what to write lmao

i hope you all are doing well, and if you aren't, i hope u feel better soon :) 

oh ya thanks @Koifsh for the Fishy and @AudestVlogs for Zen 

bye bye friendos

words: 1177

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