𝐎𝐍𝐄 (𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕)

174 6 7

15 1/2
Years Ago

Asterdall was once a beautiful village filled with life. The kind of place where you felt immediate peace and safety. Everyone there worked in harmony with one another. To visit was a privilege but to be born and raised, was a fairytale. Asterdale once a place of beauty and harmony, now went up in flames. Smoke filled the once blue sky- creating monstrous clouds. Sounds of screaming could be heard, the sounds would have broken any sane person's heart- Rosalind, however, was not a sane person.

She had ordered this attack. She'd told her squad that the place had been evacuated but it hadn't, there wouldn't have been time to get everyone out and kill the burned ones. So she sacrificed the lives of those who lived there for the greater good of their world. But she knew if she'd informed her team of this they would execute the mission. Her team was full of people who would not harm, even if it meant saving the world in the end. She knew it was risky but it was a risk she was willing to take. Now as she stood on the hills watching the world burn Rosalind felt pride. She had done what no other fairy had done, she had saved them from the burned ones. So really, what were a hundred lives lost? The people of Asterdall died heroes, they just didn't know that.

The plan would have gone off without a hitch, but she hadn't been expecting Silvia to unmask her plan. He had tried to warn the others but he knew it would have been too late. His heart was breaking as he watched the lighting come down from the sky. He had aided in the death of innocents- children, mothers, fathers, friends. People who had lives and a future were now dead because Silvia had blindly followed a fairy. But one thing was for sure, he'd never follow a fairy again, not without thinking.

"Check for survivors," Farahs voice rang out. Rosalind knew it was hopeless but why not let the team hold on to the last strand of hope.

As Rosalind wandered around she made note of the charred buildings. Small fires still burning, the air almost unbreathable. The rest of her team was still picking through the rubble. Rosalind opted to walk around admiring her work, putting on a mask of fake guilt. But that's when she heard it- a small cry. Following her ears, she searched for the source of the cry. She knew she was nearing the source and that it was a baby. There was a survivor, a baby was out there somewhere- not knowing their home was in ruins.

As Rosalind rounded a corner of the remains of a house she saw it. A basket lay on the ground, ashes surrounded it, but the basket was undamaged. In perfect condition as Rosalind peaked into it, she saw not one but two babies. Both cried as ashes landed on the blanket that had been carefully wrapped around them. The moment the babies saw her face they stopped crying, both staring up at her. A set of chocolate brown eyes and a pair of bright blue, and then they flashed. And Rosalind knew, she had found two fairy babies.

Two fairy's who were being held by witches. These babies needed a home, a family, a place to grow. And Rosalind had an agenda to stick to. But who said she didn't need soldiers?

Seven Years Later

As much as Rosalind wanted to keep her distance from the two children. She couldn't help but learn to love them. It wasn't a motherly love, more of a mentor. She loved them but not like her they were her own. Even if the two of them are beautiful and powerful young fairies.

Either way Rosalind did her duty of raising them. Teaching them to be smart and respectful and powerful young women. Added to their courses was, fighting techniques, history of weapons, and combat training. Though their age was still small Rosalind had them on the mat since they could walk. As well as properly hold a gun,

She would not be stopped until she had the perfect soldiers.

Six Years Later.

Bloom was excited and nervous all at the same. She had been chosen to go to the Alfea school to see unity day. The day in which all realms were joined in peace and harmony. Bloom had been thrilled when she heard the news. She and her sister Beatrix had been practicing knife throwing when her father walked in. Andreas his name was, had informed her of the unity day celebration and told bloom she was picked to go.

Her sister, Beatrix, was also invited but couldn't go. She had a mission to complete that same day. So Bloom was flying solo and, for the girl who was always with others, was strange.

Alas, she was non the less excited as she walked up the gravel path of the schools' fields. She could see where the specialists' training grounds were located and the large buildings had to hold the school, dorms, and other places, it was all so big. And it was her future. She had known from a young age that she would attend with her sister and carry out any missions they were given. What she didn't know was that unity day would be so important.

Just as she started to look up she felt a body next to her. Next thing she knew she was on the ground.

"Ouch," Bloom exclaimed as her hands met the rough rocks the gravel was made of. The weight on top of her moved and groaned as they shifted to the side. Falling to sit next to bloom on the gravel.

Blooms' blue eyes snapped toward whoever it was. Prepared to yell at the coronet but was stopped when she met the young bright blue eyes of a boy. He looked about her age. He was in pants and a long sleeve t-shirt. His hair was wild and dirty blonde and his eyes were as blue as the ocean.

"Hey," he said his face smiling as his eyes twinkled.
"Hey," bloom said back a little dumbfounded considering he was quite cute.

"SKY!" A voice boomed causing the boy, Skys, head to fly up. He turned to look at the man, maybe his father. Quickly he stood up before lowering his hand to bloom.

"Thanks," she said as she took it standing up, "Bloom that's my name."

"Nice to meet you bloom," Sly said before running off to the man who had called for him.

Sky for a name, and sky blue eyes, Bloom thought as she turned back towards the school. She had a mission to complete.

Word Count - 1160 Words

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𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐍 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 || 𝐒𝐤𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐦Where stories live. Discover now