the key to defeating All Might

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glowstick bones: oh

glowstick bones: mY

glowstick bones: GOD

boom boom boi: what the fuck is it deku

glowstick bones: i have witnessed something amazing

trash queen: oop spill the tea sis

glowstick bones: so I'm sitting in the teachers lounge

newton who?: why

glowstick bones: idk they let me in and feed me and let me sleep n shit

newton who?: oh cool

trash queen: anyways continue

glowstick bones: right

glowstick bones: so anyways I'm sitting on the couch

glowstick bones: and I see present mic walk over to all mights desk to help him with something

glowstick bones: and he spots this huge-ass huntsman spider next to all mights computer

Icy Hot Pain: oh shit

Phil Swift: I think I know where this is going

glowstick bones: like I kid you not this thing was the size of my face

lesbiab: damn

glowstick bones: and so present mic just s c r e a m s

Dwayne Johnson: so that's what that noise was

glowstick bones: oh this isn't even the best part

newton who?: ooooh do tell

glowstick bones: so present mics freaking out screaming "SPIDER! SPIDER!" and pointing at the thing

glowstick bones: and the next thing I know

glowstick bones: All Might, ex-Symbol Of Peace

glowstick bones: former number one hero

glowstick bones: is sitting on present mic's shoulders

Icy Hot Pain: jahdiebejehebd

Dwayne Johnson: lmao w h a t

newton who?: ajshdidbjcbshdgcnue

lesbiab: I am d y i n g

boom boom boi: oh my fucking god deku

glowstick bones: oh wait it gets better

boom boom boi: h o w

glowstick bones: so it goes dead silent

glowstick bones: and everyone's just awkwardly staring at them

glowstick bones: and then all might's just like

glowstick bones: "what. I dont like spiders."

Icy Hot Pain: lmao it keeps getting better

glowstick bones: and then the thing fucking moves

pika pika bitch: oh fuck no

glowstick bones: and everyone just nopes the fuck outta there, myself included

glowstick bones: but i stg i have never seen that cockatoo run faster in my life

glowstick bones: do you have any idea what all might's scream sounds like?

glowstick bones: because i do

glowstick bones: its been imprinted into my brain

glowstick bones: honest to god all might should become an opera singer if he can hit those kinda notes

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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