3; biscuits & back to hogwarts

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"Yeah, but I think I might need to go back

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"Yeah, but I think I might need to go back. Some idiot just ran into me!"

Harry sat up, panting and looking more confused than ever. The man, who, according to Hermione was Professor R. J Lupin, reached into his pocket and pulled out a bar of chocolate. "Here, eat this. It'll help," he said, as Harry looked at him with hesitation, "It's alright, it's only chocolate."

"What was that thing?" Harry speculated, taking bites of chocolate in between breaths. Estella gave him a concerned look. She had just seen him faint after getting his face sucked up by a weird figure, and for a moment, everything felt gloomy.

Lupin cleared his throat, "It was a dementor. They are guards of Azkaban. It was searching the train for Sirius Black." Estella noticed the emphasis he put on the name 'Sirius Black.'

As the professor got up to leave the room, the four of them scooted closer to another. "Are you alright Harry?" Hermione asked him.

Harry nodded his head. "Did anyone else hear a woman screaming? You know what I'm talking about, right?"

The other three shook their heads. Harry's eyebrows knitted together. "Oh."

The rest of the ride to Hogwarts was quieter; Hermione continued her book, often shooting concerned glances at Harry, who had fallen asleep on Estella's shoulder. Ron was eating left over candy and Estella was just sitting in silence, trying not to move a muscle. Theo and the others had left after making sure the boy was okay.


After about an hour, the train came to a halt. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Estella grabbed their things and left the train. They walked through the gates to the carriages, where they saw the castle sitting ahead of them. Each window was filled with a warm glow of light, and each tower sat tall. Estella sat next to Ron, across from Harry, who looked better than he did earlier after passing out.

The students were walking through the halls to get to the Great Hall, but Professor McGonagall came through the crowd and abruptly stood in front of Harry and Estella. "Welcome back, Potter and Nott. A word in my office please," she grinned at them and motioned for them to follow.

From behind them, they heard the laughter of Draco Malfoy and the other Slytherins rise.

"Potter! Potter! Is it true you fainted?" he let out an amused scoff, then said, "I mean, you actually fainted?" Theo was next to him, a small smirk forming at the corner of his mouth.

"Shove off Malfoy!" they heard Ron hiss while Stella showed the jerk a certain finger. Professor McGonagall was unfazed at the fellow Gryffindors, but shot a glare at the Slytherin group. Ron and Hermione waved at McGonagall and their two friends, and then they disappeared into the Great Hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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