10. Angry Strides

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It's all so messed up

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It's all so messed up.

I could never control my feelings around him. My sexual self always takes over me and I this isn't fair for me.

I sighed at it.

I looked down at my wrists which still had red marks because he, apparently thought it was a good idea to tie my wrists with his tie.

'Gosh, I love when he dominates me'

I again groaned as I banged my head on the table.

Currently, I'm in my bookstore. He dropped me here after we had our lunch.

The door opened and before I could comprehend who had entered, a voice screamed,

"You stupid ass bitch" and I jumped.

There she stood with a murderous look on her face.

The bodyguard who stood on the door suddenly got in a defensive mode and before she could do anything she said, "Try anything on me sister, I will snap your neck" the bodyguards eyes widened and she looked at me while I looked at her. I just nodded at her and she backed off.

Nicole walked around the counter at me with big and angry strides.

I moved around a bit to not get in her clutches.

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