A few Questions

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  Jude P.O.V

  I'm like extremely excited that Connor and I are dating. When we got home after our night out at the Italian joint, We walked home. Mariana was asking us a million questions at a time. At first we started to answer, but in the middle of our answer she'd just move on to the next; so we just gave up on answering. But she just wouldn't stop. I looked over at Connor. He gives me a small smirk, " Hey Mariana. I thought you said we'll all talk when we get home." He said with a little laugh in his voice. I nodded in agreement, " Yeah Mar the house is only three minutes away now. Look. You can even see it." I said, pointing my finger at our house. She laughed and nudged me and Connor playfully on the arm. We enjoyed our last few minutes of silence, as we held hands, our fingers entertwined, as we walked home.

  " Okay. So. Who- No. Gather around. Sit Sit." She said enthusiastically, gesturing to the couch. We said nothing, just sat.

  " Yes?" I said to Mariana with just as much enthusiasm as she had, but mine was sarcastic, and Connor could tell because he just laughed a little.

  " So!! This is awesome!! OMG! Connor You be good to my Judicorn. Okay?" She said to Connor, pointing her finger in a mom-like way, teasing. SHe let out another squeal, " Oh my God  boys. I totally ship you. So okay. Now the questions: Jude, Connor, when did you two start liking each other?" She says, standing and looking back and forth between us.

Me and Connor both just look at each other, waiting for an answer, then we both decided to speak, starting at the same time, then we stopped and Connor told me I could go first. So I did, " Um. My crush started on like the second day of school when he came over..." I said blushing a lot. He squeezed my hand and smiled. Then he answered, " Well I had a good feeling about 'Judicorn' when he fell in front of me, knocking me down, on his first day." He started blushing too, so I squeezed his hand the same way he did mine. We held hands and stared into each other's eyes, lost, until we heard Mariana, " AWWW! SO FRICKING CUTE!!"  Well I've gotten used to Mariana's squealing now, so I just ignore it, and I'm pretty sure Connor's used to it too, 'cause he just nods, and smirks whenever she does it.

 " SO wh-" Mariana starts, but I cut her off: " Can me and Con go to bed, it's eleven and we have all weekend. Actually any time to answer your questions." I say to Mariana joking, Connor nods in agreement, and she screems a little when she speaks, " Sure guys!!.... Just know that if you tell mom, she'll set rules, like... no closed doors or no sleeping together... soo I'll let you have you fun for the weekend and I won't asks too many questions." With that she  winks, " Oh. You guys are telling moms right? " She says to us as we start walking. I wanna say I don't know because I'm not sure how Connor feels about this, knowing that his dad's not supportive, or the fact that this's all new to him- like a couple days ago he had a girlfriend... still does, We'll talk about that tomorrow I gues... but I don't wanna rush or pressure him, so as soon I'm about to say probably not, Connor says, " Yes." He smiles and squeezes my hand. Wow. That makes me feel special, and I'm sure I'm blushing now, a lot. Matter of fact, I know I am because I feel the heat in my cheeks. I kiss him on the lips without thinking, and Mariana says cool, to his recent comment. Then we head upstairs. " NIGHT BOYS!" Mar yells up. " Night Mariana." We both yell down with the same tone.

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