Just Like Me

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This is a fluff


Narrator's POV

He was walking around the streets of konoha bored out of his mind the energitic little blonde boy wanted to find some kids his age to play with but since the sun was setting all the kids went back to their homes with their parents

He decided to go home and as he was walking towards the little apartment he lived in he saw a boy his age sitting in front of the river, the little Uchiha was lost in his thoughts when he heard a creak on the small bridge it sounds like someone running towards him

He turned his head quickly ready to fight whoever dared to interrupt his train of thought to see a little boy about his age with crazy blonde hair a big blue eyes and toothy grin coming his way 'cute' the little Uchiha thought before mentally slapping himself

"hi umm are yo- I mean uhh do you w-want to play with me there is a play ground near here, ya know" the little boy said excitedly

The Uchiha usually ignored the kids who came up to talk to him but he surprisingly stood up and took the blonde boy's hand and led him to the near playground the little raven didn't feel like playing but he also didn't want to be alone so he played with the little blonde who soon got tired

The raven asked amused by his company
That put their head on his shoulder "what's your name" the little blonde rubbed his tired eyes and said in a sleepy voice "Naruto" 'hmmm Naruto I don't want him to go back home just yet but I bet his parents will come get him it's already dark out' the raven thought

After a short peaceful silence the blonde looked up to the little Uchiha "what's your name" the little Uchiha that was focused on Naruto's cute whiskers as he whispers "sasuke" the little blonde cheeks went red when he saw how sasuke was looking at him it's a look he's never gotten before

Such a soft and gentle look the Uchiha gave him which made the blonde boy giddy "Sasuke" Naruto said testing out the duckbutt haired boy's name on his tongue which made the raven blush

"your parents must be worried you should go home" sasuke said sadly with a pout Naruto looked up at him and said "I don't have parents" the raven looked at Naruto shocked "he's just like me" he mumbles out loud enough for Naruto to hear

Naruto gasps in realization and they went back to their peaceful silence Naruto started drifting off to sleep when sasuke said "c'mon let me take you back home" he held out his hand and pushed Naruto up

when the raven noticed that the blonde was wobbling around and was to sleepy to walk he went to the blond and sat infront of him the raven's back facing the blond "c'mon I'll take you back home"

Naruto half asleep shyly yet happily wrapped his arms and legs around sasuke

He told sasuke where his apartment when he got there Naruto was already asleep he twisted the handle and realized the apartment was open he got worried because the blonde did live in a sketchy part of the village he's gonna make sure the blond locks up his apartment from now on

He went inside only to be met with a messy room he took the sleeping boy and tucked him into his bed as he was about to leave Naruto grabbed on to his arm  "stay" the blonde mumbled "stay sasuke" the raven took Naruto's hand and  started to get into the bed with the blond "alright" the Uchiha replied

Naruto snuggled into sasuke which made sasuke blush as Naruto was trying to snuggle into sasuke more the Uchiha held the little blonde and pulled him close kissing his forehead shyly

he whispered into the blonde's ear "goodnight" causing Naruto's heart to skip a beat, and with a small smile and the feeling of being held he drifted off to sleep the Uchiha soon followed surprisingly since he hasn't been able to sleep so easily since that fateful night


The end <3

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