Chapter 54

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Ocono 31st, 3328 A.G

When it had finally gotten dark, Tuyon was walking his queen, fuming- to her chambers. She'd protested- but his was on the same hallway, so there wasn't much she could do about it. Servants had taken the weapons and put them in the guest chambers while everyone was bathing, and while she couldn't be mad at them for doing their jobs it was annoying. She liked for sharp objects to be within her sight at all times. Now, all either of them had was her dagger and they were a few hallways away from the chambers and safety of night guards.

"My Queen?" Tuyon suddenly said.

"Yes?" Nara turned her head to look at him.

"Have you ever... thought of what your days will look like once you have all seventeen territories?" He asked.

"Not...really, but I imagine long." She thought for a moment. "I've got a long, long time to think about how I'll deal with it all too. I don't need to plan what happens after just yet. For now, I should fill my mind with battles. That is what you're here for, after all."

"You brought me to advise you." Tuyon nodded. "And I am advising you that the territories will fall out of your control quickly if you don't think about what happens after you've taken them before you've done so. "

"Kaeles is holding well-" Nara Argued. "and no aims went into what'd happen after I took it."

"That is different-" Tuyon shook his head. "Their commanding lord didn't want his position. You will find very few others across the world who will hand their territories over like such."

"Kingdoms. They are all kingdoms now." Nara snapped. "That is what I have made them, so that is what they will be."

"Of course, my queen. " Tuyon slightly bowed. "I only meant-"

"You are forgiven." Nara interrupted. "And I have given it some thought. When the war is done with, I will spend a certain amount of time on each continent- maybe four months, maybe six, before picking up and going to another continent for that same time- so that I may hear everyone without them having to cross seas for my attention. I will repeat this until I am too old to travel, as will my heirs."

"While that is a good notion..." Tuyon swallowed. "Where do you plan on living during those times?"

"I'll think of that after we've taken the kingdoms."

"On Libera, I'd recommend taking Uculia first. They've always prided themselves on housing everyone- even their enemies, and they have the richest trade market in the world because of their mines. If we take control of them, it would fund the rest of the wa-"

"I'll think of that once we've taken this continent." Nara interrupted. "One day at a time, Tuyon. Otherwise we'll all go mad."

He had to agree with his queen on that. They could think of the far future, but so much could change in between now and then- and if they tried to nail down each problem they'd never sleep.

  The rest of the walk could have been silent- but it wasn't. They were still out of hearing range of any other guards, with how large each hallway and room was- and it all happened so quickly. Nara had started to ask where Tuyon's chambers were just so she'd know, but then a man came stumbling around the corner, drunk. They could smell him from paces away if the way he walked wasn't enough, and he still carried a jar of ale. He appeared to be a blacksmith from the way he dressed, but spoke with the intelligence of someone who'd been locked in the dungeons for years.

  "Mi'queen-" He laughed contumeliously, and Nara reached for her dagger. She'd seen the look in his eyes far too many times for someone so young, recognized it so well. "It is you, isn't it? The Nara Ashhand, daughter of Drace-"

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