I lost tons of brain cells, I'm positive. I was in the nursing building, after Quinn had introduced herself Anderson was called to help me to the nursing building. Due to he fact that I'm skin and bones and I kept tripping over myself Anderson carried me to the room. I'm not talking about over the shoulder manly, I'm talking about full baby cradling.
It was one the many gay moments that constantly happened during our friendship. The funniest one was when he took me to an Imagine Dragons concert. We had tickets and everything but the area was full according to security. Anderson took me to his car and let me use Jensen's make up kit that she had left. I then proceeded to wear some of Jensen's shorts that for some reason was left there. I can tell you right now that I was a very pretty girl, especially since my hair was almost to my shoulders.
When the security guard stopped us I began fake crying telling him that Anderson and I wear engaged and this was my birthday present, when that didn't work Anderson excused my crying for my period. it was single handedly the funniest thing Anderson and I did. During the concert he even put me on his shoulders so I could touch Dan Reynold's hand. It was so amazing.
Every friendship had gay moments.
Anderson dropped me off in the third room, then the nurse excused him to leave. The nurse decided that it was best for me to get some rest because I was unconscious during the choking.
I was sitting on the bed observing the room. To my left was a window and to my right was a chair. Right by the door was an old oak bookshelf. My head was hurting a lot so I decided to get some rest.
It was terrifying to wake up. I thought I was dead. the room was really dark . I panicked and scrambled all over the bed until I eventually fell off.
"Shit, you scared me," I heard a voice come from my right.
" Are you Satan? Am I dead?" I was hyperventilating.
"Wow that's a first," I could hear a chuckle. Suddenly there were footsteps and then the light switch was flickered on.
It was Quinn who was talking to me. I squinted because the light hurt and I was frantically looking around. I could see that the window was covered with a blanket. Quinn walked back over to the chair I assumed she was sitting on this whole time. I was on the floor in front of the bed.
"Why were the light off and the window is covered," I finally breathed the words.
"Well first school is about to end, just so you know; I turned the lights off because you seemed uncomfortable sleeping with them on and the window light was too bright for me," she handed me my backpack.
"Why are you here," I grabbed it and stood up.
" Well due to my misbehavior I have been assigned to the most behaved in our school," she mimicked Mrs. Gale, the front desk lady," which would be Mr. Levi Jones."
Teen FictionThere were nothing on these pages, and what a shame it would be to keep them this way