Friends of Childhood!

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Emma's POV
I walk in the door. I just got back from the mall. Inside I find Ash standing there smiling. "You did something to prank me haven't you?" "No... Go to the backyard." This is Ash. She did something to the backyard.

I walk out and find Jordan sitting in one of the chairs by the pool. "Hey Emma, want to go to the tree?" "Yeah sure. You are planning something aren't you?" "No. Also, anything in your pockets?" "No. Why?" "Wondering since the sprinklers are going on soon. To protect your phone"

We walk out to the tree and we sit on one of the branches we both can reach from the ground. We sit down and he kisses me. I kiss him back. We come apart. Suddenly, I have ice and water coming over me. Then him. "What the hell was that!" I scream. "Surprise bitches!" I hear from the branch above me.

Wait, is that Amber? I look up. I see my two best friends, Amber and Claire, standing above me on the branch. "Amber! Claire! I haven't seen you two in so long!" "It's nice to see you lad! You need to call us more!" says Claire.

I have known Claire and Amber ever since I was in 1st grade. We all played together. Then we met Ash and she played with us. My childhood friends. So many memories. Claire is always the more sporty one. She has red hair and hazel eyes. She still has her little Irish accent from when she moved to the U.S. in 1st grade. Amber was the more social one out of us all. She has blonde hair and brown eyes. But all of us have always had that nerdy, geekiness in us.

"Also, no need for a make out session while we plot to pour a bucket of ice on top of your head," says Claire. Her accent is as strong as it ever has been.

"You never said anything about pouring one on me!" "That was Ash's idea." Right after Amber said that, Ash comes running towards us. "You should have seen your faces! Both of you! Ha!" "You son of a bitch Ash" "Gotta love that extra touch!"

"We haven't all been actually together since high school or college!" I say. I just hug all three of them. The old group back together. Jordan just is standing in the background all awkward and stuff. "Hey Jordan," I say. "Yes Emma?" I drag him to the field. I put one hand in my pocket and press the tiny button that is in it.

Suddenly, the sprinklers turn on. "Oh my god! I didn't know that would happen." I look at him and smile. "You little... Come here!" I run. He catches up to me and throws me over his shoulder. "Jordan! Put me down!" "Never!" "Can I at least be more comfortable?" "Yeah"

I get on his back. "Giddy up horsie!" I say like how I used to as a little kid. He starts to run through the field and we are soaked after the timer turns off.

"OH SHOOT! I forgot about my brace!" I said, looking at my wrist with the black thing around it.

"Well that's not good. Take it off for now" I take of my brace and hand it to him. "Oh my god that smells! Ok! Wash this!"

"My arm smells worse to be honest. I'm going to wash my arm." "Good idea" I ride on his back until we are all inside. I go to the bathroom to clean my arm from that smell. It truly does stink.

I finally have my friends back though! That's good!

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