It was 5 a.m....... when they reached at the top, sat there, enjoyed the panoramic view.....especially the most beautiful sun rise!
''Sumen is a liar!'' Insiyaa murmured looking far at the horizon......she shivered a little, rubbing each arms
''Doesn't matter! no one showed any interest anyway, it was just Sankalp and even if he agreed to come at all no one would have paid him extra money to come all the way here, because it wasn't mentioned in the trip's brochure. so the story he heard from townies, he tells everyone,....just in case'' Blaze replied dragging a long puff off his cigarette while taking sip from his flask......
"I really need some coffee right now" She muttered under her breath expectantly stealing glance at that flask, trembling and rubbing both hand together.
He scoffed hearing her......
and dangled the flask in front of was immediately snatched away from his hand, making him roll his eyes.
''I'm going to deny if anyone ever asks'' She said gratefully looking at him
He only gave her a look which said...'you better'
"scout's honour" She muttered and took two large sip before handing it back to him
When it was 8 o'clock in the morning, they were already back at camp and no one even noticed their absence either.
It took them hours..... like literally more than 4 frigging hours to get up there, but it took a lot less to get down.
actually Imagine this, when we climb up the stairs, it takes time and trouble, we get exhausted, all out of breath but when we are going down, we go down pretty easily....none of those happens!
Everyone woke up at sharp 8:30, half an hour later. So, Insiyaa got enough time get freshen up......she was feeling slightly tipsy! not that she's going to say that out loud.
But everyone was so tired that they just got on the bus with a cup of coffee in hand like zombies and let some coolies take care of their bags and gave them tips.......even Blaze didn't say a word.
All of them were snoring like buffalo while travelling.
uughh! how can anyone sleep after having coffee ?
Insiyaa was way too excited to close her eyes at all. She doesn't want to miss anything!
after all it was time to leave the mountains and go back to the locality!
Damn! Is it time already ?
HOLIDAYS ARE OVER.......she had to return to her cage she knew as home.
time to go!
does that mean she would never see him again......
there was this weird pang happened thinking about in, she doesn’t know uneasy,....not not uneasy, but what was it ?
why does she suddenly feel like she is going to loose something!
she didn’t realize that she was actually crying until she felt something wet on her cheek,....silently sniffing, she wiped her eyes before looking outside.
Not after 45 minutes later,.......
bus came to stop! conductor slapped on side of the bus, conveyed the message that they are finally back at the resort.
Nouvelles𝐏.𝐒. It is TWISTED SAGA Series' 1st story Sankalp Singh Rathod, Rahat Raichand and Shawkat Raichand......3 of them have been planning a trip to Manali before even their final semester started! Just when they were ready to roll another one joined...