Chapter 5

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Honeymaren was showing Hans around some more when the two came upon Elsa and Jack Frost. They were talking and laughing. "Hi, Elsa!" Honeymaren smiled. "Oh, hi, Honeymaren!" Elsa replied. "Jack, this is Prince Hans. Prince Hans, this is Jack Frost." Hans' eyes went wide in realization. "This must be the same Jack Frost that has that staff Pitch Black wants!" he thought. "It's nice to meet you, Prince Hans." "Likewise." Hans said indignantly. Jack was not exactly thrilled his time alone with Elsa was interrupted. "So, how are you enjoying your stay in Arendelle so far, Prince Hans?" Jack asked. "Oh, it's fine. Though I'm not very partial to people pointing at me and calling me names." he answered. "What are people calling you?" Elsa asked him. Hans was about answer when Honeymaren answered for him. "Oh, you know, the usual. Like, murderer, un-redeemable monster, greatest mistake of his parents' lives, unforgivable jerk,-" "And I'll stop you right there!" Hans interrupted, not wishing to hear more unpleasant names people called him. "It was nice meeting you, but I think we'd better go. Bye!" Hans grabbed Honeymaren's hand and pulled her away before she could say anymore.

*A week later*

Hans was sitting with the royal family at the dinner table. "Prince Hans, as Queen of Arendelle, I and my family have decided to forgive you." Anna stood up and looked at him. "However, if you dare defy our trust, I personally shall make you regret even being born," Kristoff declared, giving Hans a death stare. "Really?! Thank you so much, your majesties!" Hans exclaimed. He was excited. Now that he had the trust of the royal family, including a few close friends, he could steal Jack Frost's staff and give it to Pitch Black. He smiled evily to himself. 

That night, Hans again snuck out to meet with Pitch Black. "Hey! I'm here!" Hans called out. "Ah. Hello, Prince Hans." Pitch Black emerged from the shadows. "What news have you to share tonight?" "That Honeymaren girl showed me around the kingdom some more." Hans began. He avoided telling about the kindness he had seen from her and about the strange feeling he had. He wondered continuously about her. She was a curious person to him. "I have finally gained their trust. The next time I see you, I should have the staff." he told him. "Good work, Prince Hans." "Thank you." Hans replied, his tone sounding board. His mind was somewhere else. "Is everything alright, Prince Hans?" "Oh! Uh...yea, yea, everything's ok. Just tired I guess." Hans answered quickly. Pitch Black nodded. "Very well then. Perhaps you should go and rest. You will need your strength for the days to come." Pitch Black slowly disappeared into the shadows. Hans turned around and walked back. 

*With Jack and Elsa*

Elsa been unable to sleep, so she got up for something to drink. As she had gotten halfway there, she gasped as she bumped into someone and fell onto the floor. "Jack??" she asked, her eyes wide. "Elsa? What are you doing up?" he asked, reaching out his hand to help her up. "I could ask you the same thing. I couldn't sleep. I was just going to the kitchen for some cocoa. Your welcome to join me if you want.." Elsa said quietly, a slight blush entering her cheeks as she took Jack's hand. "Thank you. I believe I might just do that.." Jack replied with a smile. As Elsa prepared the cocoa for the two, she smiled as she thought about Jack Frost. "He's so charming and funny and handsome..." she thought. Now, some may argue that Elsa was free and no longer dealt with fear. Well, that's true. But she never dealt with these kind of feelings before. Love greater than the love she felt for her sister. She knew how to control her powers, yes. But she wasn't sure if she was willing to fall in love. She was afraid of hurting him. The more time they spent with each other, the stronger their feelings grew for each other. Elsa and Jack talked for a while. Elsa told Jack about the enchanted forest, where she was now living. She also told him about the magical spirits that lived there. "That is so cool. Especially the wind. Most of the time, I fly with the wind. I never suspected it could be a magical wind spirit." Jack stated. Elsa smiled. "You fly with the wind? What do you mean?" "I'll show you! Come on!" he took her hand and brought her out onto a balcony. Elsa stared at him, a little concerned, as he climbed up on the railing. "Hey wind! Let's fly!" he shouted, letting himself fall. "JACK!!" Elsa screamed, rushing to the railing. To her surprise, she didn't see him. Instead, she gasped as she saw him floating in mid-air. "Wow.." she breathed. "Come join me! It's fun," he invited. Elsa politely declined. It wasn't that she didn't trust the wind spirit, she just was nervous and didn't want to fall to her death. "I won't let you fall, if that's what your thinking. Neither will the wind." Elsa gave him a small smile. Jack held out his hand to her. "Do you trust me?" "Yes.." she said quietly, taking his outstretched hand. Immediately, she was lifted off her feat and she found herself floating in mid-air! "Whoa!" she squealed in delight. "I told you it was fun." Jack laughed as he held her hand. When the two were finally set back down on the balcony, the wind spirit flew right in between them, rustling Elsa's hair and making them laugh. "Thanks for the fun experience, Jack, Gail. It was definitely something I will never forget." Elsa replied with a smile. "Your welcome, Elsa." Jack blushed a little as they went inside the castle and back into their rooms. The two had had an exciting time. An unforgettable experience for them both. Of course Jack had done this many, many times before. But he never did it with a girl he loved, did he?


Hey everyone! My sister and I are so sorry for the long wait. We sometimes forget it's here, or we forget to update it, we get busy, ect. But, here it is. We hope you enjoy it. Feel free to comment your thoughts in the comment section below. And if you did like it, feel free to vote. Have a good day! God Bless!

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