Chapter 066 - 070

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*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

Abandoned Princess

He didn't like this dull, ignorant woman with a good skin, otherwise, he would not have given her medicine and planned to use her to boost his future.

Now, although the character of the big officer has changed, his purpose has been achieved. What is he dissatisfied with in exchange for a good future with a woman he doesn't like.

But when Bei Mingzhan used a grand wedding to marry the Bai family, and watched the Bai family become more and more gentle, more and more beautiful, and more and more happier, Xiao's father finally began to feel uncomfortable.

A woman he doesn't want, how can she be so happy?

Especially some insiders always laugh at him behind his back, saying that he is not a thing, even such a good wife can be given away for the sake of the future, etc...

Father Xiao felt more uncomfortable the more he thought about it, but he couldn't do anything. General Beiming was not something he could afford to offend.

So, Father Xiao, who was aggrieved in his heart, poured all his anger on Xiao Jingyue.

He began to beat and scold Xiao Jingyue at every turn, scolding Xiao Jingyue for being a little **** born of a prostitute, and slandering Bai and General Beiming in front of him.

He scolded the Bai family for being lewd and lowly, greedy for wealth and honor, abandoning their husbands and children in order to cling to the powerful, and he scolded the Great General Beiming, who was despicable and greedy, used the power in his hands to steal his wife!

In short, he put all the stigma on the head of the Bai family and General Beiming.

In his mouth, Bai and General Beiming are a pair of adulterers, scumbags, and men and women who ignore Lunchang in private, and do not mention his disgusting behavior of changing his wife's career.

Every day I hear him slander the Bai family. In Xiao Jingyue's heart, the Bai family has really become such a disgusting woman who loves vanity and abandons her husband and children. General Beiming is also such a despicable, shameless and shameless dog man.

So, Xiao Jingyue, who was beaten and insulted every day, deeply hated the Bai family who gave birth to him and abandoned him, hated the Beiming General who stole his mother, and deeply hated Xiao's father.

At the same time, his character is getting more and more withdrawn, colder and thinner, and the city is getting deeper and deeper.

When he was thirteen years old, Xiao Jingyue made an accident and murdered Xiao's father and the favored concubine, and took control of Xiao's house. Then he went to the battlefield and concealed his identity and joined the army.

The military camp he went to was the place of General Beiming.

After, because of his extraordinary ability, he was outstanding in both knowledge and martial arts. Therefore, he was appreciated by the general and began to rise step by step, becoming the most capable subordinate of the general Beiming.

Finally, he began to take revenge!

He took advantage of his being a confidant of Beiming Zhan, who could go into and out of the military camp at will, designed to frame the generals, created evidence, and charged the Beiming Zhan with multiple charges of embezzling army salaries, deducting food and grass, and treason...

The evidence is conclusive, and the evidence is overwhelming. In order to give an account to the many dead soldiers and courtiers, the emperor ordered the Beiming Battle to be executed and exiled his clan.

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