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"Adam, you killed her," Erin nearly hyperventilated beside me. We watched paramedics rush into Blake's home from Erin's corvette. A barn sat in the background as cattle mooed and a rooster wailed in the distance.

I anxiously nibbled on a candy bar to help soothe my hungry nerves. It was helping. There was no sign of Blake yet, which fed my anxiety even more. I hoped she wasn't dead. I didn't mean to kill her.

The paramedics dragged a pale, unconscious, sick-looking Blake out of her home on a stretcher. I couldn't be more relieved that she was alive, but I couldn't believe I had done this.

"Oh, thank god! She's alive," I breathed out.

"We should go over there to check it out."

"Erin!" I scolded.

"Adam, you did this; you should at least see what's going on," he argued.

"You're going to get us in huge trouble if we—" I peered over at Erin, now halfway to Blake's house.

"Damn it, Erin!" I screeched, took a bite of my candy bar, and threw the rest on the dashboard while I bolted after him. I pick up speed.

The day before, I discovered I have super speed. It wasn't exactly fun when you couldn't control it. This morning I woke up floating halfway to the ceiling. I was never a fan of heights. To say I hated being a vampire was an understatement.

I steadily caught up to Erin. He threw his arm around my shoulders, nearly causing me to topple over him. We stood a couple of feet from the house. I watched two paramedics help place the stretcher in the ambulance. A police officer was taking questions from her grandparents about what could have caused cardiac arrest, and I picked up the conversation with my super hearing.

There was some animal laceration bite wound on her right shoulder near her clavicle... that was me. She was swelling and bruising around the wound... because of me. She seemed to be in an unconscious, hypnotic state... my bad. Her pulse was dangerously high. Her skin was ashen, but there was no temperature from what I heard. What had I done?

Erin whacked me on the shoulder, pulling me out of my zone. "Adam, what are they saying?" he asked.

"You have super hearing," I stated.

"Yeah, but you're already eavesdropping."

I sighed. "Fine. I fucked up," I grumbled, crossing my arms.

"Yeah, dude. I think we already figured that out." Erin rolled his eyes as I continued to listen in. There was another bite wound on her lower left leg. Wait, I didn't bite her twice. That one wasn't me! What the hell is going on?!

A cop across the way disturbed my thoughts. "Erin, you shouldn't be out here right now," the cop shouted at us across the scene.

"Yep, sorry, Mason. My friend needed some fresh air," He lied. I eyed Erin, shoving my fist into his back, causing him to jerk forward.

"Owe," he screeched.

"Yeah, I think I'm good now. We're going to go back to the car," I said, wrapping my arm around Erin's shoulder and tugging him down the road.


"Erin," I exclaimed.

"You fucked up my back with your super strength." Erin shifted on his mattress, trying to crack his spine.

"Okay, sorry. Now, are you going to listen?" I asked him.

"What?" he sat up, watching me. Then he walked over from his bed and slumped down on the bottom of my mattress.

"There was another bite. Someone else bit Blake after I did."

"Wait, what? You sure about that?" Erin asked.

"Yes, I don't know who, but someone else bit her. They found another bite on her left leg."

"So, there's a possibility that you know why she's in that state." Erin laid back horizontally across my mattress and sighed. "Do you think whoever did this is trying to set you up or mess with you?" He asked.

"Great question," I noted.

"Could you tell how much you took?" Erin asked.

"I didn't drain her. Whoever that was that did that to her did some damage."

"Let's hope you didn't infect her with," He paused, "You know-" Suddenly, a knock on the door screeched open. Jessica and Jeremy stood there staring at the two of us. "Erin, uncle Dan is going to kill you," Jessica growled.

"Yeah, mate. You're fucked." Jeremy added.

"Should we visit her, or..." Erin asked. I glared at him with a raised eyebrow. "What? You're my best friend, and I know you have a cute little crush—"

"Erin, I won't put my best friend in a dangerous position if she is a vampire."

"Oh, come on! Do you think I need protection? I'm the werewolf prince. I'm immune, remember?" he stated.

"But you can still die, and if you think for one bloody second, I'm not telling your father what you two bimbos did—" Suddenly, Jessica shoved Jeremy into the wall next to him and held him in place with one strong arm.

"You're not telling the king a damn word about this, Jeremy, or I'm telling him they infected you, too."

"Okay, fine." Jeremy raised his arms to the sky.

Erin grinned. "What are you going to do if she is a vampire?" I asked.

"Teach her what we've learned," Jeremy threw out an idea, adjusting his wrinkled collar. "She is a pure-blooded Wiccan."

"Which is a little scary by itself," Erin muttered.

"Shut up, Erin," Jessica snapped.

"Okay, fine." Erin wandered over to his bedside, reaching under the bed frame. "Are we taking the risk that she's one of the undead, or do we visit her to find out?"

"No shit, sherlock," Jessica growled.

Erin chucked a handful of chocolate bars at me. "Great, take those, and be ready for anything."

"You mean like a bloodthirsty half-Wiccan, half-vampire bitch? Oh, yeah. Adam and I have this shit down, no biggy." Jeremy growled, his words riddled with sarcastic poison. Jessica elbowed Jeremy in his gut and doubled back to the ground against the wall behind him.

"Damn werewolf super strength," Jeremy groaned in pain, clutching his stomach.

"Wuff," Erin stared at her with an amused, cocky smirk.

Yep, this was great. "It's going to work out as planned," I muttered sarcastically. Like Jeremy said, no biggy.

Reality Bit Me 🦇 (ONC 2022)Where stories live. Discover now