Judge realized something

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Judge: as the titles says, I realized something

Colle: like what?

Seer: ?

Void: wat u realized man?

Dessert apprentices: ye

Judge: I realized I don't have eyes

Desert apprentice:

Desert apprentice: tf u mean

Judge: I mean I have no eyes like literally none

Origin: how r u realizing this now?

Judge: I'm not sure

Genesis: so my brother is eyeless

Genesis: that's a joke right?

Judge: there's nothing but flesh where my eyes are meant to be at


Genesis: I hate this cursed knowledge

Dream: same

Dream: I don't want this knowledge

Dread: me neither and I'm the dreaded feeling that exist everywhere

Origin: how r my sons realizing these things so late

TFC: I realized stuff just fine asshole

Origin: u don't count mistake

TFC: Thank you :)

Judge: I wonder who was made first and in wat order cuz ik TFC was made first and none or us don't know who came first before the other

Origin: Genesis the baby

Judge: nvm, ik now


Judge: your the youngest

Colle: yeah u do man

Colle: just accept being the youngest its not that bad

Colle: u get to do wat ever and get wat ever

Colle: as long as ur not a spoiled piece of shit


Genesis: dad I'm scared

Origin: um

Origin: Colle don't scare my son pls

Colle: fine

Seer: ಠ_ಠ

Seer: wtf colle

Colle: :3

Void: this is why colle is so scary when want to be

Seer: yeah..

Desert apprentice: u know what

Desert apprentice: fuck this shit I'm out


Judge: he left


Void: y do u need a vacation?

Seer: away from you and take colle with me U_U

Void: >:/

Void: jerk

Colle: Why me-

Seer: Yes

Void: Jerk

Void: He's mine-

Judge: Guys just shut up and leave the poor steve be 

Judge: he's clearly trying to enjoy his afternoon with a book

Colle: thx u Judge :D

Judge: Of course :D

Judge: I'm making some brownies soon, want some?

Colle: :0

Origin: :0

Genesis: AND JUDGE CAN BAKE????? 

Dream: ;-;

Dream: now I want some

TFC: Same

Judge: U three ain't getting anything for being so mean to me U_U

TFC: Fair

Dream: q-q

Genesis: aw.....

Desert Apprentice: I ain't surprised he told u guys no 

Desert Apprentice: Gotta be on his good side to get any honestly

Seer: Yeah

Void: we're not on his good side

Seer: Of course not

Seer: He hates us :D

Judge: of course I hate u two

Judge: One kept getting me more work and the other killed me 

Void: Fair

Judge: also

Judge: Colle keeps my hammer

Judge: no one else

Colle: :0

Colle: Wack people? :D?

Judge: sure

Judge: anyways I'm out

Origin: bai :D

And chat went out cause everyone either left to enjoy their evening or run from Colle with a hammer or just vibing with Origin and Judge who's making brownies for all his favorite people. 

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