Patience 🔞 (oneshot)

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It's a surprise when Max stops for the second time.

He's been sucking Nat off with steady patience and the slow buildup of pleasure is so perfect that Nat forgets what's coming, and who's not. He gets so close, his little fingers tight in the older person's hair and a moan rising in his throat.

And then Max pulls away.

It's like it registers with a delay, and for a moment Nat's still climbing higher - until there's the shock of nothing and he's left gasping for air. A shiver takes over his body, either from the sudden loss of Max's touch or from the sensation of air on the wet head of his cock, so cold after the heat of his phi mouth.

His hand is trying to push Max's head back down, so Max has to fight a bit against his hold as he moves up Nat's body, pressing his lips to his stomach.

"Baby you're okay," Max's saying as he trails kiss up Nat's chest, to his collarbone, his neck. "Nong, you doing great, baby."

Nat squeezes his eyes shut and breathes through it, willing himself down from the edge.

Finally, he calms down enough to relax his body. It takes some effort, but he manages to kind of melt into the bed.

"That's it, that's good." Max kisses the words into the skin over Nat's jaw, and pushes up a bit to look at his face. "Okay?"

Nat tries to focus his eyes on Max. "Okay."

Max drops a kiss on the corner of Nat's mouth, on his cheek. He's so close that when Nat blows out a breath, it ruffles Max's hair.

"Okay," Max repeats. And then he trails one fingertip, just gently, from the base of Nat's cock up to the head.

Oh god, oh no, Nat's not okay after all. The touch feels like an electric shock, making his cock twitch hard, and he gives a pained whimper even as his hips push up into it.

But then there's nothing to push into, because Max's hands are on Nat's face, wiping away the tears he didn't realize he'd squeezed out.

"Shh, baby," Max murmurs. "We can stop if it's too much. Or do Nat want to come now? You've done so well baby."

The question is the meanest thing so far, because of course, Nat wants to come. He's been seconds away from it twice now and he can still almost feel it, just barely out of reach. He can't say he's not tempted to take them out, and it's not like Max would be disappointed if he did.

But the thing is, he's not doing this for Max. Max's doing this for him.

It was Nat who managed to stutter out, "phi Max could. Make Nat wait. Maybe," and then somehow survived the intrigued questions as Max tried to figure out exactly what Natasitt meant.

But the mortifying ordeal of talking about what he wanted to try in bed was worth it. This is already so much better than anything Nat has managed alone, and Max hasn't even let him come yet. How good is it going to feel if they take it even further?

Nat blinks his eyes open to Max's worried face. "No, I - I can..."

"Phi knows Nat can," Max says, like that's not even in question, his eyes searching Nat's face.

Nat gathers himself enough to sound convincing, and says a quiet "Please phi Max...."

Max's eyes flutter shut for a moment as he draws in a breath.

"One more time." Max dips down to press a kiss to Nat's cheek like he can't wait any longer to touch him. "One more, and then Nat can let go. Does that sound good?"

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