Chapter 2

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(Ok just saying [.....] means your mind like what's going on in your head ([...] is Shiori while [...] is Sakura) while word like that : jsauaihs is what you are thinking :D)

Your POV

The tall man with no face looked around the room. He seemed to like it then he looked at me and seem to have a smile on his non-existent face. I looked at the other people that were with him and I just felt really sad for no reason like their past was really sad... just like mine.
[look what you did... AMAZING]
[Oh god! Why did you did it ! You should of listened to me not to her]
[good job ! Glad you listened to me !]

Just then, for some reason, memories came to me.

--------------------------------------*flash back 3 years ago*-------------------------------------

"WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT HER !!! " screamed my mom


My mom and brother were fighting again. I didn't like brother doing fights with mother. I was always scared that he'll get injured. My brother was my only friend and I really loved him. He always protected me from mother and father... he's the only one I care about.

"(Y/N) let's go now" said my brother. I looked at him and nodded, he took my hand and we ran into the forest but we didn't know that my father followed us. I didn't see what happen between mother and brother but I could tell that it was pretty bad.

We've been running for 1 hour now. My brother slowed down and sat on the grass I sat next to him

"(Y/N) I want you to know that whatever happens ill always be there for you Kay ? And even if I'm not here I want you to be strong."

"Yes b-brother.. I love you "

"I love u too... (Y/N) "

------------------------------*time skip brought you by nyan cat :3*----------------------------

"Aaaaand... I'm done !" Said brother while putting a flower crown on my head and patting my head.

"Waaaah that's so beautiful brother how can you make such beautiful flower crowns !?"

"Well it's simple I'll show you h-"
"What ?" I ask my brother

I looked behind me to see my father with a knife in his hand about to stab me but my brother protect me.... he... he just went in front of me and got stab. I-I...


He was loosing blood fast my father ran away scared of what he did. I couldn't handle that my brother was about to die.

"Brother... I'm gonna h-help you. I'm so so so sorry... It's my fault..." I said between sobs.

"(Y-Y/N) please it's n-not your f-fault I want you to l-live on without me *cough cough* one day you'll have a real family... I-"

"Please don't... don't talk... "

"(Y/N) I love you with a-all my heart and I-I don't want you to do the wrong t-thing I w-wish I could still be there with y-you but my time in this world is d-done"

"B-Brother... I-I'll miss you ... I love you"

"I love you too (Y/N)"

"Goodnight... Brother"

I've dug a grave next to a tree and I everyday I would come to see my brother... one day... I swear I'll get revenge.

-------------------------------------------*Flash back end*----------------------------------------

I was now on my knees I didn't want to remember my brother right now. Why now ! Why...

"Child... Child !!!" I heard the tall man say I didn't care about anything now. I got up and ran. I heard them screaming my name. I didn't know how they knew my name but right now I just needed time with my brother

I ran and ran until I finally found ( Don't ask how ) my brother's grave. I didn't notice that the others followed me I fell on my knees and cry my heart out.

"I-I'm so sorry !!! I-I promised I w-wouldn't do the w-wrong thing..." I said while sobbing

Toby's POV

We followed (Y/N) to I don't know were. Finally we came to a stop. Everyone was a little tired she was fast as hell man ! She fell to her knees and started crying I was about to go see her but Jeff walked to her first. He kind of looked like he cared for her... It was the first time he had that look on his face. Understanding.

Jeff's POV

I knew who she was. I knew everything about (Y/N). I walked up to her looked at her brother's grave. I felt really sad for her. I I could understand her since I knew how it felt to lose a brother. I crouched down and looked at her. She was crying big tears. I took her arm and pulled her close to me, hugging her tight.Everyone was surprised even her but she clutched my hoodie tight and cried.

"Don't worry it'll be alright don't cry I'm here for you" I said

(Y/N)'s POV

"Don't worry it'll be alright don't cry I'm here for you" the guy with a carved smile on his face said. I felt all of his emotions : Sadness, caring but most importantly Understanding. It was as if the same thing happen to him... I felt really close to him like I could tell him everything. I didn't hesitated and hug him back and cry and cry and cry until I calmed down.

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