Chapter Three

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Gregory shook his head. "No way. Sorry Sun, but I won't believe that. Freddy would never."
"How do you know that? How long have you know him?" Sun fought back. 
Gregory hesitated, then dropped his head."Only today, I guess... but-"

"That's like wanting to marry a man you just meet, and only Disney princesses do that.Gregory we aren't Disney princesses!" 
Gregory glanced at his fazwatch. Sun continued. "Think about it. Why else would he put you in so much danger?"
Gregory looked at him again. And the look in his eyes made Sun's face soften with empathy. "I'm sorry it turned out like this, Gregory. I really am. But-"

He paused and reach out to put his hand on Gregory's shoulder, but he backed away. "No. I'm sorry. I just-- I need a moment."
And with that, Gregory rushed off deeper into the daycare, leaving Sun standing there. 

Smart, echoed a voice inside Sun's head. "Oh, hush. I'm the daycare attendant. It's my sworn duty to keep children safe." 
A moment of silence. Then the voice spoke again. He's dangerous. 
"Well yeah, Freddy is dangerous, that's what I'm sayi-"
No, I mean the kid. Wherever he walks, disaster follows. Sun he can get us in trouble! 

"But Moon," Sun protested, "We need to help him. Or he's just going to become one of those missing children."
Moon didn't answer for a while. It lit up a small flicker of worry inside Sun's mind. Go find that kid, Sun, Moon's voice came again. 
Sun smiled. "Really?"

If I know you well, and I do, you won't give up. So I might as well go along with it. Just be careful.
Sun smiled even more. "Oh thank you so much, Moon! I would give you a hug but that's kind of impossible so I hope a thank you is enough!"
Moon's small laugh sounded inside Sun's head.

Sun stretched out his arms and turned towards the daycare playset. It was time to find-- oh no!!! Gregory must've knocked over some stuff! "Clean up, clean up!"

Maybe he'd find Gregory later-

An Unlikely Friendship / Sundrop and Gregory - A Security Breach FanficWhere stories live. Discover now