(I apologize in advance for the pure, unfiltered chaos this chapter is gonna be)
"Let them meet him, then they'll leave.""No. End of story."
"Dream, just put your ego to the side for two minutes and let them have a chat. They won't try anything."
"You don't know them like I do-" Dream trailed off as Drista went through the door to the basement stairs.
"Dris, no." The girl ignored him, unlocking the door.
"DRISTA!" Dream shouted, smacking his forehead as George wandered out of the basement hand-in-hand with a very smug blonde girl.
"YOU KEEP HIM IN THE BASEMENT?" Came a shout from upstairs. Behind Dream, there stood Quackity, loud and annoying as per usual. "Talk about lack of manners!"
Drista led George up the stairs, knowing that she was going to get so much shit for this later but smiling like an idiot anyway.
"I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand what's going on here," George said, eying Quackity warily. Wilbur had disappeared somewhere, probably hiding from human interaction as he usually did with the strangers he didn't kill.
"Ahhh, Jorge!" The Mexican drawled, making the same 'fuck boy' face that Minx and Puffy had made at each other so long ago. "Encantado, man! The name's Quackity!"
"Are you Hispanic?" George queried. If he wasn't, then Quackity was being very racist.
"Why do you ask? You a cop?" He asked, one eyebrow raised. George hesitated for a second before consulting his year twelve Spanish lessons.
"I used to be, but no te preocupes, ya no estoy con la policía," George told him, laughing. Quackity's eyes widened.
"He speaks Spanish too?! I'm fucking screwed! El cartel no mep preparó para esta mierda! You'll never take me alive, Americans!" he shouted, throwing his hands up dramatically.
"What cartel?" Sapnap laughed, picking up the word in the midst of the panicked Spanish. Quackity stopped short, staring at Sapnap with fear in his eyes before turning on his heels and bolting. It was the kind of thing you'd see on iCarly or one of those other shitty Nickelodeon shows that Quackity probably watched like the iPad kid he is. The remaining five people in the room shared a look.
Drista raised her eyebrows at Dream, like "did that really just happen?". Dream was too busy staring at George to see her, silently asking if he was okay. George was too busy looking at Karl for reassurance that Quackity was mentally stable. Karl was too busy clinging to Sapnap's arm to notice, understandably a bit confused by what had happened. Sapnap was too busy staring after Quackity to notice, wondering whether he was coming back
Nick's question was answered half a minute later when Quackity waltzed back in, laughing his head off and dragging a tall brown-haired man behind him. He was slapping Quackity's arms away from his, trying to get the Mexican off him. George scrutinized him for a second. Where had he seen him before?
"Fuck off!" The man said through gritted teeth, striking the shorter man's shoulder to make him let go. It was the voice that clicked the puzzle pieces for George.
"You're Tommy's brother!" He stated. Wilbur's head snapped up at the mention of the little blonde kid.
"Who are you and how did you know that?" He growled. Dream shifted his weight, wondering whether or not to intervene.
"We've met."
"Where?" Wilbur snarled.
"Brighton Pier. We were fifteen, I think. You and your Mum were standing by the fence and Tommy dragged me over to meet you. Do you remember?" Wilbur's expression softened.
"Vaguely... That was you?"
"So, you two know each other?" Dream asked, understandably confused. How did reclusive Wilbur, the guy who could barely go to the shops without having a panic attack and shooting up the place, meet someone so amazing as George?
"Yeah! I met Will when we were kids!" The brunette explained. "His brother is one of my best friends."
"How is Tommy, by the way? Still hanging out with Toby?" Wilbur asked.
"He's fine and yes, Tubbo's still around," George smiled. He immediately felt better about the spectacle the Mexican had created a few minutes earlier.
"Tubbo?" Wilbur frowned.
"It's what we call him these days," George supplied.
"Oh- Fuck, I've missed a bit, haven't I? I should call more often," Will murmured sheepishly.
"I think Tommy would like that," the brunette smiled. In truth, Tommy never really spoke of his brother. If he had to speak about his family, it would only ever be his mother. Kristen was a lovely woman - it was just unfortunate she sired such a degenerate. He didn't have a father, as far as he was concerned. Wilbur shifted uncomfortably.
"Quackity and I should probably make ourselves scarce. Sally's waiting for us at the airport," he stated, looking to the Mexican for approval. Was that the ditzy redhead who used to sell salmon in the marketplace near London? Nice catch, Wilbur.
"I hope we'll meet again, Jorge!" Quackity shouted as the two made their leave.
"What the actual fuck is Quackity on?" George asked as soon as the door was closed.
"Drugs, definitely. You heard him mention the cartel too, right?" Sapnap spluttered, trying to hold back his laugh. Drista and the Dream Team met each other's gaze before descending into laughter.
"His face when I mentioned the police!" George cackled.
"You think he was drunk?" Dris asked through her giggles.
"He was shitfaced!" The laughing intensified before dying down half a minute later, the air filled with out-of-breath wheezes.
"You and I are going to have words," Dream said, pointing at George. It was hard to take him seriously with the smile creases around his eyes, though.
"Whatever," George chuckled. "Lighten up, Dreamboat." He stepped past Dream, letting his hand run down the blonde's chest before going back to the lounge and sitting on the couch like nothing happened. Sapnap and Drista looked on with wide eyes as Dream registered what George had done. The killer refused to let even Sapnap touch him most of the time. How would he react? Dream surprised them all.
Dream smiled.
Drista and Sapnap's eyes widened as Dream followed George's hand into the other room. Jennifer Anniston's voice filled the room once again. The two skeptics peered around the corner to see the brunette curled up under Dream's arm, tucked into the blonde.
What. The. Fuck.

Criminal Minds ~ DNF
Fanfikce"Why do you stay? After everything I've done, all the people I've killed to get to you, why?" "Because you're not as bad as you make out to be." This is a DNF AU inspired by The Silence Of The Lambs. It follows the storyline till about chapter 8 whe...