Everybody else finds out P. 1

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They drive from the doctors office back to lexi's
L- I'm gonna go get changed and I'll be right back
A- ok, I gotta get changed too
P- you guys are finally back. Where did you guys go?
L- we'll answer your question later, but first we need to get changed
P- don't worry, I found somebody else to fill your place
L- What?
P- yeah, I thought you weren't coming
L- I was late
P- yeah, obviously
L- babe, do you want to get something to eat. I'm hungry.
A- yeah sure.
P- woooow. I se how it is.
A- it's not like that
L- it's really not ok, I just really need something to eat ok
P- fine, but be back before the wedding starts or I really will have to replace you
L- I thought I was already replaced
P- of course not
L- babe, can you just order something to be delivered here?
A- yeah sure. I really wish you ate something now. I mean, you haven't eaten all day.
L- yeah, I know
P- go. I'll make sure it doesn't start until you guys are ready
L- are you sure
P- yeah, you obviously need something to eat so go before you starve
A- let's go Baba
L- ok

Andrew and Lexi hop in the car and go get something to eat.

L- that was really close
A- yeah, too close
L- do you think we should tell her
A- not now. I mean she's about to get married to your brother.
L- good point. Mayb tomorrow?
A- yeah that's fine

They get food and they get back just befor the wedding started.

P- thank god you guys got back in time
L- my dress doesn't fit
A- what
P- didn't you just try that on a month ago.
L- I didn't think that I would get fat
A- your not fat
L- yes I am
P- your really not. Plus, this is a size 0, it's hard to be a size 0
L- I guess your right
A- wow, so she can calm you down but I can't
L- it's gonna be long nine months for you mister
A- Lexi
L- what
P- are you pregnant?
L- oh, that's what
P- well are you

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