The hardest part

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Three months later
A- why is the bed wet
L- Ow
A- what happened?
L- I think I just had a contraction
A- are you in Labor?
L-  I don't know. It's never happened before.
Brent storms into their room
B- What? You better have a good explanation for waking me up at 3 am
L- I think my water broke
B- wait, what?
A- she just had her first contraction
B- well, we need to go to the hospital
L- it's not too serious yet
B- your around two months early
A- good point. We need to go like now
L- Brent, your driving
B- ok

Andrew carries Lexi downstairs and puts her gently into the car
L- OW. Ok it's starting to get really bad
A- step on it Brent!
Brent steps on the gas and they speed to the hospital
A- have you called the doctor yet?
L- No. I've been a little busy.
A- ok, we'll just go in and tell them whats happening
L- ok, but can we worry about that after we get inside
A- ok
They park and then Andrew carries Lexi inside.
A- hey nurse, my girlfriend is in labor and she's only 8 months pregnant
N- I'll get a doctor straight away
L- ok thank you
B- so what's happening
A- they're gonna page a doctor straight away
B- ok

10 minutes later
D- Lexi, we have a private room waiting for you upstairs
L- ok
A - let me get you into a wheelchair hon
They follow the doctor up into the room
L- is this my bed
D- yeah. I'm going to check how dilated you are because we have to wait until your 10 centimeters
L- ok
D- you are 6 centimeters. It won't be too long
L- oh Wow ok
A-ill get you settled in here
L- ok

One hour later
L- it's starting to hurt really bad
D- your at 9 centimeters, I'll get an ob in here as quickly as I can
A- ok thank you
D- no problem
L- Andrew?
A- yeah hon
L- can you or Brent get me some ice chips
A- yeah sure... Brent go get Lexi ice chips now
B- ok I'll going
L- thanks
A- of course honey. Anything for you
Ob- ok Lexi your at 10, whenever you feel a contraction I'm going to need you to push
L- ok

One hour later
L- he's so cute
A- your amazing honey
L- thank you
B- so. What'd I miss
A- nothing much
Andrew turns around with the baby in his arms
B- you had the baby? Awww.hes so cute. Have you guys picked out a name yet?
L- I think we have
A- his name is...

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