( * Y/n's POV * )
I was still considering going to see my parents before I left the hospital but now I'm at there door. Before I came I changed and put on a white zip up hoodie with a white crop top. For bottoms I wore black sweatpants. "*ding dong*" I ran the doorbell. I was hoping Shikamaru would answer so I could ask if this was a set up or something.
The door opens and thank god is was Shikamaru "Yo, you actually came?" I was nervous as hell to see my parents, it's been Atleast 3 or 2 months since I late saw them "heh yeah I guess I did. So I'm not being set up right?" He chuckled "of course not. Mom and Dad just wanna see there little girl" he pulled me inside "now go. I want to take a nap but they keep harassing me about when your gonna get here." Shikamaru walked upstairs and I took off my shoes. I walked to the kitchen and opened the door.
My mom was making dinner and my dad was rereading the newspaper at the table. "Ahh sweetie you came!" She ran up and hugged me "Hey Mom" I smiled and hugged her back.
Last time I was home my dad and I got in a fight about some random stuff. My mom and I on the other hand are on good terms.
"Father" I bowed, "Y/n." He said this sternly, I guess he still hadn't got over our argument. Mom broke the silence "so are you gonna be staying for dinner?" I shrugged "if you want I guess I could" she ran back to kitchen, she was so excited it made me happy.
"Do you need help with anything Mom?" She nodded and pointed to the plates and cutlery that need to be placed.
I set them in everyone's spot. "Y/n. Go wake your brother." My father said rolling his eyes. I nodded and left. I sighed as I felt relief flood my body from the nervous and angry aura in that room I walked to Shikamarus and knocked. I sat beside his door and waited to hear anything.
After 5 minutes I kicked down the door "WAKE UP SH-T HEAD!" He frowned "your a a-shole." I ran out "I know! Also dinner!!" He chased from behind me.
I got to the kitchen first Ofc "beat'cha" he nudged me and then patted my head. We all sat down and said our thanks. Mom had made Salad, Chicken, Dango and rice balls. We made our plates and began to eat.
"So sweetie how have you been?" Mom asked "I've been doing good. I've only been in the hospital like 20 times" I giggled at the end. She started to laugh as well. It was good to hear her laugh. It's been awhile since she had genuinely laughed and I was there to hear it. My dad then spoke up
"I hear you seeing a boy?" He asked confused, I went completely red "I- uh what makes you say that haha" I looked at my brother for back up but the look on his face tells me otherwise and that he told Dad. "Oh just a black haired spiky haired pony tail bird. Perhaps he's in this room?" Dad said staring at Shikamaru.
I could feel steam come out of my ears "SHIKAMARU" I punched him in the head "OWWWW OKAY SORRY" I rolled my eyes. "Well then there is. But I will not disclose anything~ until it's official." I let the y in anything drag out longer.
Dad leaned back and rolled his eyes "why are you like this?" I heard him let out a heavy sigh but also a small giggle.
We continued eating and making small talk about random stuff. I even managed to embarrass Shikamaru a bit. Before I knew it it was already 9:30 we played some shoji and I won against Dad me and Shikamaru went against eachother and tied.
"Well I should be going I have a mission tomorrow" Shikamaru said giving your Mom a hug and bowing at your Dad. I nodded "Same I have training bye Mom by Dad!" I hugged them both and ran off home.
I got home and I put on pjs. My pj bottoms had moons and stars on them while my shirt had a moon on it. I took my hair outta the low long it was in and brushed it.
I grabbed a new book I started to read called "Kins:a: the legendary sanin number 4" it's supposed to help me train with Kinsa-Sama.
Kinsa is a legendary sanin between the ranks of the storgests she probably 2 or 3. She's like Tsunade and has crazy strength. Kinsa-Sama has been training me for 2 years since I was 13. She helped me create my Jutsu 'Falling-Stars' and a few others. I also have a Jutsu named 'blossom-dust' and 'star jail' of course I use falling-stars the most the other are only for bigger and harder fights.
Blossom-dust creates a smoke screen and blurs there vision. But also like Naruto's sage mode it makes my strength 5 to 20x stronger. It was hard for me to come up with it but it worked out.
I'm in my second last year of training becuase then I'll be as good as her or better. She believes I will surpass her completely.
After I finished the first 7 chapters I put it down and went to bed thinking about how excited I am for training.
( A/n: Idk im dumb and yeah

The Raven haired boy (Sasuke X Reader)
ActionHello! I'm new to writing fanfics and this is my first one! I'm fairly busy with school but I'll try to update it twice a week!! But for some description about yourself here it is. Also I wrote this description after I wrote the first 2 chapters so...