What shit?(Chapter 4)

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I woke up, from possibly the best sex I've ever had. I felt fez's arms around. I smiled. I felt so safe in his arms.

"Good morning Mama's" fez kisses my neck. I turn to face him.

"Good morning fez"  I kiss him.

"You guys for real fucked?" Ash walks straight in.

"Ash shut up" fez laughs. I giggle.

He walks out. I look back at fez. I could stare at him forever.

"Can you stay with me today?" He kisses my forehead.

"Yeah I can" I smile big. Fez kisses me getting up. I whine. He throws me a pair of his sweats.

"Get dressed baby." he looks at me "we're gonna go to breakfast"

"Okay" I put his pants on. He was getting dressed and I looked over at him. What was going on between us. I don't think either of us had a clue. He walked out of the room. I followed him. He told ash, and ash didn't wanna come. So we got in fez's truck and left. We pulled up to the cafe. I feel fez look at me.

"Alie we should talk about last night" he said his voice almost shaking. What did he think that I didn't want last night to happen or something? Because I don't regret a thing.

"Okay.." I look at him.

"We we're both tripping" he says, I feel my heart start to crumble. Why did I care so much weather he wanted me or not. "It probably shouldn't have happened" my whole heart shatters into a million peices. I want to scream at him, for saying that. I wanted to get out of the car and walk away but I didn't.

"Oh..okay" I said getting out and going into the cafe, I heard him following behind me. I was holding in everything. I went straight to the bathroom. I locked the door. And looked in the mirror. Ugh. I hated that I felt something for someone again. I washed my hands and went out. Fez was waiting for me. He grabbed my waist making me look him in the eyes.

"Don't ever say okay like that and walk away from me again got it?" Fez says and I can tell he's serious

"Yeah I'm sorry." I walk to a table sitting down, fez follows behind sitting across from me. I didn't even wanna look him in the eyes. The waitress came and fez ordered for us. I stayed silent. Looking out the window.

"Mamas." He paused, "Are you mad at me?" How could he ask me that. How could he.

"No fezco I'm good" I said. I felt fez grab my hand forcing me to look at him.

"You never call me fezco princess, what did I do?" Fez says hoping for me to say something but all I could get out was.

"I need to go home" I stood up and walked out. Walking home. I left fez in there. And gave him no explanation. I don't think he needed one. He had to know what he said, he shouldn't have. Or it could've been said differently. I don't know. I get home walking straight to my room. Fez was blowing up my phone.


Alie, are you okay?

I was ignoring him. Until I got a call from a random number. I picked it up.

"Mamas" he said slowly probably hoping I didn't hang up.

"Fez." I felt my voice shake.

"Are you upset over what I said?" How the fuck. Could he fucking ask me that.

"What else would I be upset over Fez?" I said.

"I'm sorry. I just can't do that shit."

"What shit?" I said confused

"I don't even know if what happened between us was real we were both high" I could feel fez getting upset.

"Fez. I don't think anything was more real in my life" I said letting the words roll off my tongue.

"Can I please come see you?" Fez pleaded. "I'm sorry"

"Yes." I said.

"I'll be there soon mama's" he hangs up the phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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