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"Will you still be here tomorrow?" Taehyung asks, as he lays in bed, face turned towards hers. After calming him down, she urged him to go back to bed as he had work in the morning. He had pulled her into the bed with him, and when she shyly refused, he had whined like a toddler reminding her that they used to do this all the time when they were younger.

She looks over, seeing the anxiety etched into his face, the fear. She knew that feeling all too well. She had spent months in those times where he could not see her, wondering, fearing, that he would leave the house one day and never return. Leaving her to wander the halls lost in memories until the end of time.

Turning to face him, she clasps his hand in hers, smiling softly, "I won't leave you".

He smiles in return, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb.

"So, a lawyer huh?" she grins, he rolls his eyes groaning as he turns onto his back. "Go ahead make fun of me" he sighs.

She laughs, "What!? I mean, the Taehyung I knew would have been horrified by the idea of that alone. What made you change your mind?".

He's silent for a moment, eyes closing though she knows he's not asleep. "I don't know, I guess... after what happened to you, I lost my passion for everything else and somehow drifted towards this" he shrugs.

"That... I mean it makes sense but not the drifting towards being a lawyer part".

Taehyung levels her with a dry look before sighing, "fine, lemme put it in your terms, it's where the money is at".

She snorts, facing the ceiling as they both fall silent. Outside the wind is rustling the branches once more.

"So you wandered around for years? Like, just watching me mope around?" he says suddenly.

"It's not like I had a choice, I can't leave the house and you couldn't see me so what more could I have done".

"I mean... it is a bit, creepy if you ask me".

She turns to face him, irritation in her gut seeing a barely concealed smile tugging at his lips, as she whacks his shoulder, causing him to laugh out loud. "You really haven't changed!" she whines, though, despite it, her heart is soaring in happiness.

"Tae?" she calls later into the night when a peaceful silence settles over them.

"Hmm?" he hums and when she looks over his eyes are already shut, his chest rising and falling in a smooth rhythmic manner. She waits a few moments, letting sleep fall over him completely, watching as his head lolls to the side and the grip around her hand loosens.

Untangling her fingers from his, she sits up gently as not to rouse him, and reaches for the duvet. Pulling it over his slumbering form she presses a light kiss to his temple, brushing a few strands of hair that lay upon his forehead away.

"I love you" she whispers as she leaves the room, pulling the door closed with a soft click.

Time didn't exist for her, it stopped the day she died, so what did it matter anyway. Morning comes sooner than she expects. She's seated on the couch facing the fireplace, hand curled into a fist and pressed to her cheek in utter boredom. That is until there's a sudden booming noise coming from upstairs accompanied by frantic footsteps.

Jumping to her feet she hurries towards the staircase heading upstairs only to find Taehyung, hair disheveled and expression twisted into one of despair, rushing down the stairs.

He's breathing heavily, and she can feel the tremors coming from his aura. He was frantic, panicking.

He rushes past her, and she follows him as he dashes into the living room frantically looking about before making a beeline towards the kitchen. Her dress ruffles as she chases after him in confusion.

"Ta-" she being only for him to cut her off.

"Eun Hye!!" he yells, panic in his voice as he rips open the back door and rushes out barefoot, spinning as he surveys the grounds.

"Please tell me you're here!!" he begs, running towards the greenhouse and peering into it with a look of pained hope in his eyes.

She sighs, wishing she could grab him and calm him down.

He whips around, looking up at the back of the house, eyes searching each window though he wouldn't see much as every window was lined with thick, velvet, burgundy curtains. Courtesy of his mother who loved the color.

"Tae go back in the house" she sighs, knowing he couldn't see her. She probably should have mentioned that in the day she would be invisible to him until midnight again.

He rushes towards the house and she follows, going through the door as he slams it shut.

His eyes are slightly swollen thanks to all the crying last night and her heart clenches as he collapses onto his kitchen table, folding his arms and laying his head between them in exhaustion.

She takes a seat beside him, already knowing what must be going through his mind.

"You're not insane," she says as he lifts his head, running his fingers through his tangled hair.

"It wasn't all a dream" she continues, watching as he gnaws at his bottom lip, eyes glancing around him resembling a lost puppy.

"I really am here".

She knows he can't hear her, but perhaps she could let him know in her own way, she thinks as she focuses on the salt and pepper shakers upon the table mere inches from him. Moving objects was hard but if she clears her mind and focuses hard enough, it was possible.

Closing her eyes, she feels the familiar lightness in her gut, traveling through her body as she breathes in and out calmly. It travels to her arms, settling in her fingers as she presses her finger onto the salt shaker and feels the cool porcelain material against her fingertip.

All the while Taehyung looks about, teary-eyed.

With a gentle push, the shaker moves, grazing the table as it does and he flinches, startled by the sudden movement.

"I'm here," she says, pushing it towards him slowly as he eyes it with disbelief. She pushes until it reaches the edge of the table and nearly tips over, where he catches it, staring down at it in confusion.

His hand, grasping the shaker, is a few inches from her, and with hope gathering in her gut, she reaches for it. Placing her hand over his. She can vaguely register the softness of his skin.

He flinches, nearly jumping from the seat as he pulls his hand away and stares at it.

"I'm here with you" she repeats and though he can't hear her, something seems to click in his mind. Hie eyes light up, blinking away the few tears that had gathered.

"Hye?" he calls, looking about the kitchen slowly, "you're here, aren't you?".

"I'll always be here," she says, as he places the salt shaker down and huffs in relief.

"Thank goodness" he sighs, a gentle smile forming upon his lips.

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