Dragonball Multiverse and the Bitch that made it worse than it already was

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I know its probably one of the biggest Dragonball fan mangas, but I can't stand DB Multiverse. And one of the reasons besides the lackluster story is because of what I've realized is a fan favorite character from that fan manga, Bra from universe 16, the universe where Vegito stayed fused. Her character isn't one, well that may be a bit harsh, Her character is an archetype, there we go. She's the extremely powerful bitchy chick with an extra side of bitch, so maybe their is something added on the archetype. Second off, her design leaves a whole hell of a lot to be desired visually as well. I know not everyone was a big fan of GT Bra, I wasn't for the most part, but at least you knew something about her based on her appearance.

And I dont want to hear a single thing of, "Bra from DBM (DB Multiverse) wears a sports bra and compression shorts because her character is more battle focused!" Because it's not a good argument. When I say you should be able to know about a character by their visual design I mean it. We'll take Vegita as an example. Right off the bat you can tell Vegeta is a warrior, his armor creates a sort of militarized look which additionally adds partly to his past.

The bodysuit helps to also show his defined and muscular figure whilst also seeming in uniform showing his more strict and ordered nature compared to his rival Goku. Goku wears a martial arts gi which while sending the message of him being a fighter is itself a loose piece of clothing contrary to Vegeta's tight bodysuit. Even Goku's undershirt is a bit loose showing his carefree and go with the flow attitude. DBM Bras makes her look like a background character at a gym.

Second is her character arc. Bra's character arc consists of her fucking up, her being a bitch, and or her letting herself be manipulated only to then have the story set her up as a victim. Vegito in the story at one point goes to kill Bra after she's killed tons of people and if I'm remembering right she had also gotten taken over by Babidi. So what does Vegito do? He goes to kill her which Vegito probably wouldn't do anyways in a story that didn't hold railroading a plot above a characters personality but even then when he is stopped, he is told, that it's ok she went on a killing spree because she is all not controlled now and has mastered Super Saiyan 2...

...do you see the issue here?! In this moment after killing so many, Bra is being praised! And Vegito who although doing something extremely drastic and out of character for him, is being stopped for doing what is realistically what should be done. Bra up to that point was incredibly violent even in the most casual of moments. Her power and potential was also exponential, to the point Vegito KNEW she would surpass him. What she was, was essentially Z Broly if he was a bit smarter and bitched all the time. Although maybe Super Broly is a better example in case some aren't familiar with the original Broly to much and it leads into another discussion.

What made Super Broly, who I will call Broly S, work was his personality. Specifically the fact that he wasn't a battle maniac. It creates this sense of tragedy when we watch him slowly devolve into a screaming chaotic beast that attempts to slaughter everything. Broly's peaceful nature, is the only reason the sadistic transformation can work with him as a non-villain character. If Broly S went around talking about how much he wanted to kick the shit out of everything. And threading to just blow something up out of boredom, what would make him any different than your standard villain archetype.

Yeah, I have a feeling I'm gonna get alot of comments on why I'm wrong and if you can make them then I implore you to do so. Maybe I missed something when I just decided to drop the damn thing figuring out it just wasn't my jar of shine. And you may wonder why this suddenly came to my mi-

 And you may wonder why this suddenly came to my mi-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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