Chapter 4 : UNO ( yesh )

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have this picture of my county and one of my friends county 
yeah , i'm getting into the countyhumans fandom for no reason
i had no idea what was the title was going to be so--

just take that as a spoiler of what's next....?
yeah ima shut up

Killer's POV

we chatted until we heard a bang , me and dust went running out of the room and coughed as we smelled ( wha- ) smoke , we went to open the fan ( does the castle have fans? ) to get the smoke settled , me and dust heard giggling , we went to the kitchen and our theory was right
horror is still unstable
i went in as dust went to get the fire extinguisher , i quickly took him out as dust extinguish the fire " i wan firwe " said the mentally unstable one " nono , its dangerous " i said as i lift him to the sofa , i sat beside horror and sighed , dust sat next to me later on " your a good mom " said dust , i slapped him for being stupid , that made him a bit unstable " what? i was joking " said dust rubbing his chin

" i am not your mom and never will " dust just chuckled " yeah yeah "

Error's POV

i was getting bored for not doing anything for 1 hour , i could tell bill is too " im bored , what can we do? " i shrugged but i suddenly remember that i had a deck of unos swap gave last time , i unzipped the bean bag abit and stretched my hand in , i saw bill confused , like very confused " what are yo- " i cut him off as i took a deck of unos and zipped the beanbag " uhhhh , are you sure its 108 cards? " " yes , im sure " i started to give 7 cards each " we need at least one more person " i said and looked at nightmare who's finally taking a rest for giving 404 cookies " hey boss , lets play uno " " sure , i need to relax a bit " Boss sat down and played uno with us , after a intense match , boss won the match " no one can beat me in uno uwuwu " i restarted the match and played the game

the leaderboard is out , boss then bill then me , i sighed as i looked at my results , 1 win " error you suck dont you? " " yes i do suck at this game , i lose last time when i played with swap " Boss laughed " no wonder your the last in the leaderboard " " what are you guys doing? " asked 404 , i told him what happened " i see , mind if i join? " " sure , I'll be watching then " i said , i restarted the match and watched them play , after some time 404 won " that was fun " said 404 " hey , wanna play another game? " asked bill " yeah , uno is getting boring " " lets play Truth Or Dare! " i could tell Boss is happy from this suggestion and i exactly know why " sure " said 404 not knowing what might happen next " ok , nightmare , truth or dare? " " truth " " who's your crush? " " .... " nightmare didnt answer but i could tell his blushing a bit " .... " he said something but we didnt hear it " uh? mind speaking a little louder? " " ...killer.... " said nightmare

Killer's POV

" ACHOOO " i sneezed , waking dust who was asleep " what happened ? too cold? " asked dust " nah , i just having a feeling like someone's having a crush on me " " oh , ok " dust just went back to sleep , i wonder who's having a crush on me..... ( killermare , my third otp ship )

Error's POV

i " oooh "ed as bill and 404 did the same , Boss is blushing harder and covered his face in embarrassment " 4-404 tr-truth o-or dar-dare? " Boss stuttered in embarrassment " dare " " go get me a cup of coffee " said nightmare with is head low and still blushing " alright "  , a few moments later 404 came back with coffee , boss drank it fast and threw the cup , making it shattered into pieces , i looked at the cup and found out it was the cup ink gave me , i picked up the pieces and cried silently " Bill , Truth Or Dare " " uhhh , Truth " " wh- " 404 got cutted off by Boss " who do you like the most? " i can see bill and 404 blushin' " uhhh , can i dont answer that question? " " no " said Boss with his grin , which freaked the living hell out of bill " uhhh uhhh " bill whispered into Boss's non existent ear , making Boss's eye shine " i knew it! " said Boss pointing at 404 and bill " shipppp!! THIS IS GOING TO GO IN THE SHIP BOOK AHAHAHAHAH " bill and 404 blushed and bill fainted ( from hotness /JOKING , IM JOKING ) " shut the [ quack ] up " said 404 , I can tell that his blushing a bit , me and boss gave him a lenny face , which made him blushing even more , he lowered his head and pulled his hood on " shut up " said 404 still lowering his head 

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