A Bet's A Bet

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All four coaches sit at a table in a empty bar with only one employee still present. Right now Adam and Christina are in a feud, the female coach believes she can beat him at a arm wrestling contest. The cocky singer just keeps taking small drinks of his beer and keeps saying no in confidence.

"C'mon Adam, stop being such a buzz kill. Are you just afraid that I'll beat you?" The female coach teases with a giant grin on her face.

"I'm not afraid of anyone," he counters, "I just don't want to hurt you or make your ego any less than it already is."

He leans back and continues to watch a basketball game playing on the screen across from them. Christina is giving him a dirty look while Blake and Pharrell are in the middle of their own quiet conversation about how mature their fellow coaches are. It forces a smile upon Adam's face knowing very well he's about the least mature person in the entire city; for some reason he's damn well proud of that.

"I'll tell you what," she breaks the silence, "Let's make a bet." Adam raises an eyebrow. "Whoever wins gets to make the other person do whatever they want, as long as it's legal."

This captures Adam's interest a bit and he sits up. Looking at the woman in front of him, he smirks at the thought of her with a different hair color. Maybe bright blue, green, pink? At first he seems like he couldn't care less, then puts his elbow on the table inviting her to play. She raises her hand and turns to the two other coaches.

"Blake, Pharrell, the rules are I can make Adam do whatever I want when I win, right?" She's determined for an answer.

"Why are you asking us? We aren't apart of this deal." Pharrell says trying to avoid this bet about to take place.

"Well..." Christina leads on, "I actually just need Blake to say okay."

What does she have planned? Adam is curious but a little too tipsy to ask questions.

"Okay?" Blake says confused.

"Great! It's a deal." She giggles putting her hand across the table so Adam can shake for an agreement - he does so.

Both ready, fingers interlocked, staring each other in the eye, preparing for battle. With a count down 3...2...1 and they putting pressure on one another's arms trying to pin it down. Adam is surprised at the strength she has. It's actually difficult and he can't pin her arm down. He tries harder and harder with no avail. In a second he finds his own hand pinned down, three seconds. It's over. He lost.

"Yes!" Christina shouts lifting her hands in victory.

"What just happened?" Adam asks still in awe.

"I won," she laughs, "it's all in the wrist. You have to do whatever I want."

Adam cringes at what the diva has planned. Surely it couldn't be too bad, there's nothing illegal. Those were the rules. In an evil manner she puts her plans together and puts on a vicious smile. This makes Adam even more nervous. Out with it already.

"Dammit Christina, just tell me!" He says a bit too loud.

"You have to kiss Blake Shelton. On. The. Mouth."

Emphasis on each word. Adam's mouth practically drops to the floor, along with Blake's. Was he hearing things? Was he that drunk? Nope. She just told Adam to kiss Blake. He looks over to his good friend who looks just as shocked and drunk as he is. At a loss for words he bites his lip and looks down at the table. Blake's laugh breaks the awkward silence.

"That's funny Christina, but what's the real challenge?" He asks.

"I wasn't joking," she responds with her hands on her hips, "go on now boys. Get to lip locking."

"Why am I apart of this deal? I never agreed to this," Blake counters.

"Actually you, you said okay and accepted the terms as I can have Adam do whatever I wanted, and I won. If you don't do it that's cheating."

Adam still looking down feels a hand on his shoulder and looks up to find Blake's blue eyes looking at him. He's always been trying to avoid situations like this, in a room to little to no people with Blake. Always worried that certain things will be said and will ruin his friendship. He's always considered Blake as nothing but a good friend, but admittedly wouldn't mind if something more happened in their relationship. He never really acted upon these because everyone still thinks of him as a cocky, model dating, straight rockstar. Adding on to all that, Blake was a straight married man.

"Well Adam," Blake's thick accent interrupted his thoughts, "I guess a bets a bet. This won't be any different than that bromance facade on the show, right?"

Was he serious? Kissing on the cheek, innocent hugs were one thing. Something close to a makeout session though, that was much more. Adam still couldn't find any words to say, but apparently doesn't need to because soon Blake is leaning in. Their lips collide and Adam is embracing the kiss, not daring to touch Blake, it can't seem more than what it is - a bet. As fast as it started it ended and now Adam is left wanting more. His eyes open to Christina and Pharrell in hysterics and Blake looking as embarrassed as himself.


As the night comes to a close, everyone has really forgotten about the bet and the small kiss. All except Adam. The kiss had replayed over and over in his head a million time. Blake's ecstasy like lips interlocked with his own, he wants nothing more than for it to happen again.

Soon Christina and Pharrell are gone and Adam and Blake are heading to their cars, Adam decides to walk Blake to his truck. When they get there Blake is unlocking the door and Adam nervously messes with his hair. They are both clearly being cautious with their words, not wanting to say anything they might regret.

"So uhm, what do I say? I'm sorry? That was childish of her to do something like that." Adam says once again looking at the ground.

"It's okay Adam. I'm not sorry," Blake replies grabbing Adam's chin forcing him to look up into his sky like eyes, "it isn't your fault."

He sheepishly breaks his gaze from the taller man in front of them. Control yourself Adam. It's like a timebomb and he thinks he'll lose it any second. He was kissed by his friend, his best fucking friend who is straight and married, who else can say that happens to them? To top it all off Blake is acting like it's a normal things. This is definitely not normal for him, for from.

"It's just, I didn't want you to do something that you wanted to do," He looks up at the countryman and notices his smile. Stop it you charming son of a bitch!

"Well, who said I didn't want to do it? I was just mad the first time had to be around Christina and Pharrell."

Was he joking? Adam bites his lip flustered. He always has known Blake was a joker but usually ever on the set of The Voice. Other than that he was a nice laid back guy who didn't mind having some quiet times with friends. Something else he loved about the man.

"I, uhhh" Adam starts but doesn't get to finish as Blake gets close and puts his body on Adam's. Leaning down putting his hand behind Adam's head to deepen the kiss that's about to happen. Before Adam knows it his lips are collided with Blake and he's left taking in every second of it. Blake's tongue twisting and turning with his own. Their hands exploring each other's body. It was perfect.

Once the kiss breaks he's left looking at the beautiful man's eyes again. Even though he's shocked, he puts on a smile.

"I know you like me by the way." Blake beams. He must have been more obvious that he thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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