Chapter 1

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Louis POV

It's been a relaxing Friday so far here in Doncaster, rather boring might I add, I had nothing to do but run a few errands for my mom. I went grocery shopping which is probably not the most interesting highlight of my day. I mean seriously, I'm 26 years old and I have nothing better to do than grocery shopping.

Walking home alone on the other hand is worse, as I let my mind wonder on many mysterious things in life and that's when I realised that I forgot to buy bread, which is technically close to impossible as that was the most vital thing on the list but apparently not for Louis Tomlinson.

So this is when I decided to never go grocery shopping alone. Anyways, back to the present, where I find myself walking all the way back to the grocery store to buy fucking bread.

As I entered, the cool breeze of the store's air conditioning hit me making me shudder. I put my hands into my coat's pocket and started looking for the bread. I wondered down a few isles but still couldn't find the damn brea-

"Hi dear! are you looking for something?" a middle aged women with short hair and a delightful smile asked me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"umm yes actually, do you know where I can find any bread?" I asked fiddling with my fingers.

"I take it you went shopping on your mother's behalf? What a wonderful son you are, follow me."

I blushed at the compliment before I followed her around to a back Isle.

"There you are son" she said pointing up to where the bread was.

"Thank you so much mrs?"

"Styles, oh but please enough with the formalities, you can call me Anne, and what's your name may I ask?" The women said with a welcoming smile.

"Anne, right, well, thank you so much and I hope I didn't disrupt your shopping, oh and I'm Louis" I said looking down in embarrassment.

"oh well Louis, no worries at all dear, this place is practically my second home, but I'm here with my husband and he's still adding somethings to the list of things we have to buy. We're having a party this afternoon as you young people call it." she laughed looking around for her husband.

"well I won't keep you waiting, I hope you have a wonderful evening and I hope the party turns out a success" I said to her while I re adjusted the previous grocery bags on my right arm.

"oh you're a darling aren't you, reminds me of my son back at home, I'm sure you'll make great friends." she said smiling warmly.

"I would love to meet him sometime" I replied politely.

"would you mind exchanging numbers? I really would love to get to know you better and to get to know your mom who has raised such a wonderful son and for some reason you look very familiar to me, I'm not trying to be creepy dear but your blue eyes are just really familiar" she said chuckling, handing me the bread she took from the top shelf.

"oh really? well then yes of course I would love that" I said as I fished my phone out of my pocket to give to Anne. She took it with a smile as she entered her number onto it as I did the same with her phone.

" do you need any help with your shopping Anne?"

"Oh I'm fine but thank you so much for offering dear." as she said that she typed out something in her phone and within a minute or so I felt my phone vibrate.

"I have sent you our address dear, I hope you can come to our party this evening, it's more like a gathering, a very few people mostly our neighbours. I hope you can bring some of your friends. I usually don't give out my address to strangers but something about you makes me feel like I can trust you darling." she said smiling widely and who can say no to that.

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