Chapter 3

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Harry's POV

"Didn't quite catch your name though?" I asked with a slight smirk on my face. I had to know his name. I had to.

"Oh it's Louis. Louis Tomlinson"

My heart stopped beating. My face dropped. I felt as if I couldn't breathe. It can't be. It just can't. I've been staring for too long as Louis brought me back to the present.

"Shit. I didn't mean to say my full name. I usually don't say it cuz people start acting weird around me, like you are just now-"

"I'm Harry Styles" I interrupted his ramble with a smile.

Now it was his turn to process it. His face then turned into a smile. A wide one might I add.

"Ohhhhhh, so your my supposedly future husband" he said laughing. Did he have high expectations about me? why was he laughing?

"Are you happy about it or did you expect someone much better?" I asked immediately turning into panic mode. Did he not find me attractive as I found him? His face dropped suddenly.

"No no no no no. God no that's not what I meant. I mean I never expected you to be Harry. I just laughed at the coincidence. You are extremely gorgeous-" His face turned red at the slight slip up and he looked away from my gaze still blushing at the confession. How much more adorable can this man get?

"Well thank you Louis, you are extremely attractive as well" I said and looked at him to see him already staring at me blushing a crimson red. And now we were both blushing. What is this high school or something? but his smile is worth everything. 

"Thank you Harry"

"So what do you think about this whole thing?" I asked him

"Well after I talked with my mom and dad, they said that it's not completely necessary for me to say yes but they said if I did it would help out a lot" he started.

"Yeah same, my dad told me the same thing. So what shall we do about it then?" I wondered out loud. It was getting late too it was about 8 pm I'm guessing by now.

"Are you free tomorrow by any chance Harry? In the morning at about 10?" Louis asked me with a shy smile.

"Louis Tomlinson, are you asking me out right now?" I questioned him playfully. This is just adorable.

"Well, if you want it to be, we could go to this nice little cafe I know, I mean, I'm not forcing you, it's only if you'd like. I get it if your not free and have other plans you kno-" He rambled on again.

"I would love to Louis" His face broke into the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"Great, it's a date then. I'll pick you up tomorrow at around 9.45 then? Sound okay?"

"Yep that'd be great. It's a date." I replied. Little did Louis know that this is my first date. I have never gone on a date before. Even though I've known Louis for like 10 minutes now, It feels like I have known him for much longer. 

"Okay then, I better get going. Mom must be worrying. And I want to do something else too" he replied with a mischievous grin.

"What is it?"

"Can we maybe not tell our parents about this then? It'll be our fun little surprise"

"Okay sure, that'd be fun Louis, Can't wait"

"Good bye Harry!" 

"Goodnight Louis" I replied.


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