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Taehyung and namjoon 's marriage was a arrange marriage

But namjoon thought they both love each other


"Good morning"said namjoon as he woke taehyung up and was staring intensely at taehyung's face

"Good morning"said taehyung with a deep morning voice

Namjoon blushed hearing taehyung's voice and taehyung smirked seeing namjoon blushing

"Don't do that baby or i will not be gentle on you like yesterday"said taehyung as he kissed namjoon's cheeks

Namjoon's cheeks were cherry red.

Namjoon just ran out of there to make breakfast.

Taehyung then rolled his eyes Pretending is so hard.

He got up from the bed and went towards the washroom as he opened his shirt and saw some scratches on his back and he sighed.


After 5 days

From 5 days namjoon was feeling so moody and he vomited so many times


After some more days

"Why are you crying"asked taehyung as he saw namjoon has tears in his eyes. "I want to tell you something"said namjoon.

Yes?"said taehyung as he looked at namjoon

"I-i- am pregnant"said namjoon

Namjoon wanted to cry seeing taehyung's expression

"You are not happy?" Asked namjoon as he looked at taehyung
"W-what did you say can you repeat again" asked taehyung

"I am pregnant"mumbled namjoon

Taehyung burst out crying as he hugged namjoon

He lifted namjoon in the air

And Namjoon was shocked

"Really!! Yes we are going to be parents "said taehyung happily as he kissed namjoon whole face.

"You are not angry?"asked namjoon

"Why would I"asked taehyung

"I-i- T-thought y-y-you will leave me"said namjoon as he looked down tears falling from his eyes and taehyung eyes softened as he hugged namjoon and said " i will keep you and the baby safe always"


Taehyung always cope up with namjoon every needs


9 months later

They had a baby boy.

Namjoon and taehyung was very happy but taehyung had to go to a  business trip.

"Baby i will come back soon"said taehyung.

"But~"said namjoon

"Please i will come back soon"said taehyung

"Hmm"said namjoon

"Bye baby"said taehyung as he kissed the baby that was in namjoon's arm and then he kissed namjoon

When taehyung was away namjoon's mother-in-law came to their house urf taehyung's mom

"Mom don't shout baby is sleeping"said namjoon as he hurriedly came downstairs (yes they have not named the baby)

"See this "said his mom

It was a video of taehyung with a girl and they were talking about giving namjoon a divorce. And they were kissing

Namjoon didn't believe it at first he looked at her

And saw her having a stern face

Tears started to fall from namjoon's eyes

Taehyung mom smirked and said "i told you now sign on these papers"

"n-no"said namjoon

"Taehyung doesn't want to live with you so, now leave me and my son and my grandson"said taehyung mother with an irritating look

"No i will not give you my son"said namjoon

"I knew you will say that that's why the paper which taehyung gave to sign you was not about parents signature it was about that you will give your son to taehyung"said his mom with a smirk

Namjoon fell on his knees and pleaded her to not do this . "Please you are a mother too please understand"

Taehyung's mother pushed namjoon away and said "don't do this act infront of me"

"Please"namjoon pleaded

"Just sign this or i will kill your parents "said taehyung's mom with threatening voice

Namjoon looked at her with a shock look


"No don't do that with my parents"said namjoon as he signed the papers

"Now get out"said taehyung's mom

"But where will I go"said namjoon

"I don't care just get the fuck out now"said taehyung's mom as he pushed namjoon outside the house


Namjoon was on road crying and it was raining. why did taehyung do like that was namjoon not good he will never see taehyung's face again.

"I hate you taehyung i hate you for breaking my trust , for taking my son away, for making me love you, i hate you ."

I don't even want to see your face . If you didn't love me then why did you pretend to love me, i-i gave you my everything.

 If you didn't love me then why did you pretend to love me, i-i gave you my everything

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You all must be irritated by me that i am publishing and unpublishing this book again and again and my sorry for that i was just too confuse with the plot .🥹🩷

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