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Taehyung was now stressed a lot because of him not being able to find namjoon , his son doesn't know how his mama looks , he just knows that he will come back soon.


Taehyung was in his office working until his secretary came running in his office. Taehyung frowned and said "What!?" And she said "sirrrr!!!!!!!!" And taehyung rolled his eyes and said "what!?" And she said " Our bodyguard has sent us some photos and it looks just like that of namjoon sir". And taehyung eyes widened as he snatched the photo from her hands and carefully examined the photos , a tear fell from his eyes as he said " B-baby?" And his secretary said "it is not confirmed that it is him or not though" and taehyung sighed and said " i know my baby , this man is my baby bring him to me i want him! Now !!!" And his secretary said "Please come to your senses we need to confirm it first " as she went out of the office and taehyung fell down on his chair and started at the photo for good knows how long.


"Why are you going to take him?" Asked the secretary and taehyung said "can't i go and bring my child from school?" And she said "i mean you always send gujo then today what happened?" And taehyung said "i am just too happy today , i feel my baby is gonna be in front of me soon " and she nodded her head as she smiled at him.


The school was not over yet and taehyung sighed as he went towards the principal office as the school was practically his' but stopped in his track when he saw someone whom he longed for these years . "N-namjoon?" Seeing him in front of him a tears fell from his eyes. He couldn't move his legs just watching him from afar and he saw namjoon going, he wanted to follow him but stopped because of seeing a child in namjoon's hand whom he was hugging and was giggling with.

Taehyung thought he was dreaming again and he followed the man and grabbed his wrist and turned him around only to say "I am sorry i thought it was my husband" and Taehyung sighed when will he have his namjoon in his arms not knowing that the man he saw was namjoon but he already left from there and the one whom hand he grabbed was someone else...



As me and jimin came out of the principal's office after jimin's admission, i felt someone's intense gaze on my back but i ignored it and went home.


"Mama, do you wanna go to the park with me?" Asked soobin and namjoon nodded his head with a smile and soobin giggled as they went to the park.

"Yeah go and play with your new friends" said namjoon and soobin nodded his head as he went away and Namjoon sat there while looking at the sky until he felt someone sitting beside him and he looked beside him and saw a small kid. "Hello beautiful mister" said the boy and namjoon smiled and said "Hello to you too little one" and the kid giggled and said "I am yeonjun Kim" and namjoon smiled "Namjoon Kim i mean namjoon park" and yeonjun said "Mr.park you know my dad , he said he will play with me at the park but he didn't" as he pouted namjoon smiled and said "He must be busy"

"He is always busy when he has time for me ?it's like he doesn't love me. I miss my mama "said yeonjun as he pout grew and namjoon cooed at the boy and said "It's ok yeonjun , your dad even if he his busy he loves you" before yeonjun could say anything his care taker came and said "let's go yeonjun" and yeonjun said " I have to go now Mr.park have a great day" as he kissed namjoon's cheeks and went away . Namjoon smiled and soobin came to him and said "Mamaa! Let's go home" and namjoon nodded his head as he grabbed soobin's hand and they went away.


When will taehyung and namjoon meet each other again??..

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