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Yesterday before me and F/N drove off Jake gave me his number so I could get the address for the training facility.

But he also used it to talk to me. He told me everyone's names and what they're all like and where to hide my food in the fridge so Kevin or Beth didn't try to eat it.

He made everyone seem so amazing and I couldn't believe I'd get to meet everyone in the morning.

And now we're here. F/N dropping me off for my first day like she was my mom.

"Now be careful in there. If you get hurt you might not be able to compete over the weekend." F/N pesters.

"I know I know, now get out of here!" I  rebuttal.

"You know you love me!" F/N says in a sing-song voice.

"Do I though?"

F/N gasps loudly and put her hand over her heart with a pained expression.

I let out a laugh before getting out of her car, slightly slamming the car door behind me.

"Don't slam my goddamn door child!" She yells through her open window.

She then drove off, music blasting as she sped down the road.

As I started walking towards the entrance I realized I didn't actually know where to go.

I pulled my phone out of my bag to text Jake but when I looked up he was already walking towards me.

"Glad you made it here alright. I heard there's lots of thud makers in the road."

"Do you mean speed bumps?" I ask curiously.

Jake let out a light laugh before saying "No one calls them that!"

I was shocked. Maybe here they called them something different? Either way, I didn't want to have a who's right and who's wrong discussion with so much work to be done.

"I should probably introduce you to everyone but Catherine wants you in her office. I think it's about your paycheck?"

I looked at him with curious eyes before asking him to show me the way to her office.

We walked for a minute before finally reaching a lot of stairs.

"Go all the way up and the first door on your right is her office!" Jake says eagerly.

"Thanks for showing me around. Could you introduce me to everyone when I come back?"


I let out a slight laugh at his enthusiasm before starting up the stairs. I prayed I wouldn't have to do this everyday.

As I made it to the final step Catherine was already at the top staring right at me.

"What took you so long new girl?" Catherine says angrily.

"Well those stairs are no joke!", I say, letting out a slight laugh at my own comment.

"If your in that bad of shape then we have a hell of a lot of work to do." She mumbles.


The conversation with Catherine wasn't just about my pay check. It was about my physical capacity and something about my eyes?

I wasn't really paying much attention, i was just excited I got hired so quickly.

Something I did pay attention to was Catherine's strict instructions. She wanted me to do a certain amount of workouts with Jake and a certain amount of drills on that machine.

I mean she was really pushing my limits of what was physically possible in a day but I guess I asked for this when I signed up.

When our conversation was done I walked back down the stairs to be met with a warm smile coming from none other than Jake himself.

"So how'd it go?" Jake questioned.

"Awful. Apparently both you and I have to wake up at five and do some work on the simulator and then take the cars out for some irl practice."

"Seriously!? Usually all I have to do is the simulator, why's she torturing you so much?" Jake commented.

"No no no, why's she torturing us!" I rebuttal.

We both laugh at my comment before someone interrupts us.

It had been the other man from the parking lot, Kevin. He used to be a huge racer for Bobby Spencer way back when before an accident left him 'Out of commission' for good.

"Glad to work with you. Y/N right?" Kevin asked as he reached out his hand.

"Yeah it's Y/N, and it's an honor to work with you sir! Your one of my idols!" I said back cheerfully.

"Oh stop, your gonna make me blush! What race of mine was your favorite?" Kevin asked.

"Probably Daytona in 1984. It was AMAZING!" I answered.

"I love this kid already!" Kevin stated before a short woman with curly hair walked over and slung her arm underneath Kevin's.

"Hi my name's Beth! I help with budgeting and marketing for the team and I'm glad to have you on it!" Beth said as she reached out to shake my hand.

I shook hers only to realize she had the grip of a bear! I mean any longer than a few seconds and she would've broken my hand.

"Woah there! You've got a really strong grip!" I jokingly state.

Beth laughs before making a three brothers comment.

I giggle at her response before picking up a regular conversation with Kevin and Beth. It lasted for about ten minutes before me and Jake decided to finally hit the gym room.

"It was nice meeting you Y/N! Well let you guys get back to it." Beth said kindly as she placed her band on Kevin's chest.

Me and Jake walked down the long procession of hallways before finally reaching the training room. Jake opens the door for me and I gave a small curtsy before saying "Why thank you good sir."

Jake laughed at my little comment before directing me to the simulator. I sat down and got accustomed to the leather seating. It was cold at first but I got used to it.

As the simulator started I couldn't help but notice Jake's hand gliding farther and farther down the back of my chair til he reached my shoulder.

I didn't know if he knew what he was doing but I knew I wasn't gonna say anything. So far during most of my practice runs I had come in top ten, but one round I made first place.

I had been so excited that I hopped out of my chair and did a small victory dance, which earned me a giggle from Jake.

"Y'know, your a pretty good dancer." Jake said, arms crossed and eyes boring into mine.

A part of me wondered if that look was intentional, but I didn't have enough time to finish pondering when Catherine came bursting through the door of the training room.

"Why aren't you on the simulator?" She questioned me.

"I got first during one of the runs so I got up to stretch my legs." I responded.

"Well they look stretched so get back to it. And what were your numbers for the other rounds?" Catherine voiced.

"Mostly top ten, but my first round I placed twelfth." I stated.

"Yeah, she even beat my top score!" Jake voiced too.

"Huh, well maybe she should take your place." She stated plainly before walking out of the gym.

That day should have made me run for the hills, but I didn't. And maybe that's why I'm so in over my head.

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