Before the Dates

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"So.. You really think Omi wants to have a girlfriend?!" Atsumu asked the two as they still hang out on Shoyo's room.

"Yes. I think..." Bokuto answered with certainty in his voice

"I agree with Bokuto-san..." Shoyo second the motion with two thumbs up.

"Okay... So.. what do you have in mind then?" Atsumu curiously questioned leaning on the table.

"Let's set him up for some dates for tomorrow... What do you think, Atsumu-san, Bokuto-san?" Shoyo asked a little uncertain himself

"That could work..." Bokuto answered.
"But to whom are we... WAIT! I think I can try contacting Kaori.. She's one of my batch mates and our former club manager..." the owl head yelled excitedly grabbing his phone from his pocket

He opened his messenger and search for Kaori's name..

He opened his messenger and search for Kaori's name

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(This is Kaori by the way...)

"Here it is!"

Atsumu and Shoyo sat beside Bokuto to listen closely to the conversation.

After few rings, Kaori answered the video call

"HEY! HEY! HEY!" the owl head greeted loudly

"Oh, You're still loud after all this time, Bokuto! Do you need anything?" the girl answered with a wide smile

"Actually, yeah..." Bokuto answered with a nod

"Make it quick... I still have to finish some work tonight. What is it?" Kaori asked staring at her phone screen.

"Are you available tomorrow?" the former captain asked


"Just wondering if you would like to go on a date-" Bokuto was cut off by the former manager.

"Damn! Are you and Akaashi broke up or something?" she interrupted

"Wh..What? No!! Not a date for me... for Sakkun!" Bokuto continued while the two beside him laughed a little.

"Who? Wait.. You know I can't-"

"WHAT THE HELL BOKUTO!!! WHAT KIND OF STUPID QUESTION IS THAT?!" Konoha appeared on the screen and loudly yelled

"Oh, Aki.. I didn't notice you.." Kaori softly spoke as Konoha glared at the screen

"Oh Hey! Hey! Hey! Konoha! What's up?!"

"Don't what's up me, idiot! You know Kaori and I are dating since HighSchool, right!?" Konoha said with furrowed brows..

"Oooohh.. So it's a serious thing?!" the owl head said scratching the back if his neck

"What do you mean.. by a serious thing?!? We've been dating for almost 10 years now!!!!" Konoha yelled making Kaori flinched a little because of his boyfriend's loud, a little angry voice

"So, it's serious!? Sorry, Konoha! But hey... she could-"

"NO!" Konoha blurted and left.

"I'm sorry, Bokuto.. You know him... I have to go and talk to him to calm him down.. I'll just see you around... Try contacting Yukie... she might agree." Kaori waved goodbye before ending the call.

"Okay... That didn't go well... That's a total failure." Atsumu said a little disappointed

"No.. I'll contact Yukie.. for sure she'll agree"

And the owl head was right, Yukie agreed.

"Cool... So it's settled then!!!" Atsumu yelled gladly..

"Should we have a second option?" Bokuto asked and Atsumu looked at him like the spiker said something out of this world...

"Ooohh! I'll call Yachi... She might be interested..." Shoyo said already dialing the blond's number.

"Good evening, Shoyo..." a sweet voice echoed from the other line as Shoyo put the call on loud speaker so the other two with him would instantly know her answer

"Yachi!!! I need your help!" Shoyo began

"What's wrong? Did something happen? Are you alright?! Do you need an ambulance? police? Tell me!"

The three chuckled.
"No, Yachi... Are you available tomorrow?"

"Why? Do you want to meet up?" she asked with curiousity

"Ah... No.. We're setting up dates for Sakusa-kun-" and he was cut off by another voice from the line

"Hello, Shoyo... What were you thinking... you know Hitoka and I are engaged right?! We told you that few months ago!"

"R..Right! Sorry, Yams. I forgot..."

"Why do you even want to set your teammate up for a date anyway?" Yamaguchi asked.

"Oooh... Because we think Sakusa-san wants one." Hinata answered.

"Did you ask him?" Yachi asked with her little voice

"Just a hunch-"

"A hunch?!" Yamaguchi sounded a little shock by this.

"Yes.. Anyway... Can you recommend someone?" Hinata continued.

"Hmmm.. I still have some of my classmates' and friends' contacts... I can send you some... then give them a call.."

"Okay, thank you, Yachi.. Sorry for disturbing you both.. Let's hang out sometimes.." Shoyo said smiling

"Yes, sure..." Yamaguchi answered
"Bye, Shoyo-kun!" Yachi said before ending the call.

That night, the three smartass got two ladies to go on a date with Kiyoomi Sakusa.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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