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Don't stop

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They all watched the four run with the zombies following behind. They all lowered their head, preventing the zombies from seeing them.

Minutes later, it was now quiet. They all checked the hallway through the glass window, looking left and right.

The coast was clear.

Slowly opening the door, Cly was the first one to go out. He first made sure it was finally safe before signaling the others to come out. All of them came out, carrying some of their things.

"Everyone stay behind me, okay?" He whispered. The others nodded.

They tried their best to be quiet as possible as they began to move, fast but quietly.

They then arrived at the first floor of the building. There were a few zombies wandering in the halls. They all hid beside the stairs, trying not to be seen.

The exit was only a few meters away from them, but they couldn't go just yet. There were zombies guarding it.

"What do we do now?" Sean whispered to Cly.

"I guess...we have to make a run for it."

"What, are you crazy?! We're gonna get caught!" Sean yelled in a whisper.

"I know, but we don't have any other choice. That's the only exit in this building."

Sean let out an irritated sigh.

"Okay. Us, boys will go first to distract those zombies so the girls can get out first. We have to protect these girls or else Zielle would kill us." Sean said.

They still remember what Zielle told them before she went out.

"If I see a single scratch in one of these girls, I swear, I'll disarticulate your limbs, then feed them to those hungry monsters."

"Okay. Let's go."

The two told the others about the plan, and three of the boys went out first while Gab stays to guard the rest.

They took slow, silent footsteps as they went towards the zombies. When they finally got close enough, the boys immediately attacked the zombies, distracting them.

"Go! We'll meet you there!" Cly shouted.

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