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Author's POV:
It was peaceful in the house, Itome,Akemi and there son, Yekiro, are just doing stuff on there house.

Itome always spoil Yekiro,but Yekiro isn't some mean spoiled brat. He may be demanding,but again his still kind.

"Daddy?" Yeki patted his dad who's wearing a headphones,and streaming one of blackpink's music video

"Yes baby?" Itome notice his son's light pat and asked, "Can I uhm, borrow your credit card for a bit? I wanna buy some jackets,I'm getting bored with my old ones,and there also small for me. Can I?" Yeki explained.

"Ahhh,of course you can" Itome said and handed the credit card. "Thanks daddy! I won't waste it all I promise!" Yeki said and kissed his dad on the cheek and went out to buy his jackets.

"Ay,when will you you stop spoiling our son huh?" The alpha asked. "Aww come on love he only went out to buy jacket." Itome answered, "oh, well ok then.. Can you spend time with me?" Akemi asked, "of course I will! We're do you wanna go?" The omega asked.

"Oh! can we go to that beach of yours and stay there for the night?" Akemi said, "Ohkay, I'll just text Yeki to just come straight to the resort." Itome said.

While packing, Yeki got home. "Papa! Dad! I'm home!" Yeki called his parents. "Kiro! Your back! How many did you spend?" Akemi asked immediately.

"Well. I withdrawed 1,000₱ and went to our local thrift store,and bought like 5 of this jackets, which cost 750,and got 250 change, and yeah I'll go give dad the 250₱ change." Yekiro explained to his papa.

"Dad?" Yeki knocked, "Hey, how many did you spend?" Itome said, "750₱ for five jackets,and here's a 250 change." Yeki told his dad, "thanks. We're going to the resort,and your coming with us." Itome said while packing stuff they need.

"Wait dad, REALLY?? ITS BEEN YEARS SINCE WE HAVEN'T GOT THERE! THANK YOU DADDY!" Yeki screamed in joy. "No problem,your papa was the one who requested this." Itome said, "ahhh, I'm gonna thank him later after I'm done packing" Kiro said.

Yeki packed the new oversized hoodie he bought. And got some socks, and he won't forget to bring 4 pairs of socks.

Yeki's POV:
After packing and thanking my papa, we went in the car.

I'm just scrolling through Facebook, playing games,listening to music like a normal person would do. "Kiro, you hungry?" Papa asked, "No I'm good I had pocket money a while ago and ate at Jollibee" I answered. "Oh ok." Papa said.

Dad and papa are talking about what happened on there company. And I just draw something.

Few minutes later we arrived at daddy's resort. "Hi sir! Magandang hapon po!" The guard said. We went in to our room and holy shit it's big-

Anyways, I went straight to the balcony to smell the fresh air. And also the room has some LED lights on the ceiling and on the corners.

After a few minutes,I went in to the room and sat on my bed. Dad and papa... Cuddling, they also turned on the TV and turned on Netflix and watch a horror film.

Its currently 6:30 and the food is here. The food is also delicious I love it. I went to the bathroom and do my skincare.

Author's POV:
While Yekiro did his skincare and cahnged into his pajamas,his parents were touchy touchy. Yekiro could here the wet kisses, and- I'm just kidding they didn't do it but shouting cause they were watching the grudge.

And few hours later the family were tired, Yeki accidentally slept in his parents bed even though he have his on bed.

Itome and Akemi gladly accepted there son on there bed and slept.


Yeeeeeeee sooooooooo yeah bye

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