Tokyo Trip

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Author's POV:
After that one night stay in,in Itome's resort they went home. And the parents planned something at there home for there son Yekiro.

"So. We're taking Yeki to Tokyo,and somehow meet Toono and Kashima there" The omega told the alpha. "It's alright,I miss my two kohai's too" Akemi said smiling. "Kohai? Sweetie were not students anymore" Itome noticed, "Oh shit wait I forgot" Akemi said doing a fake cry like he always do.

"Pa?Dad?" Yekiro knocked on his parents' room. "Come in" Both parents said. "What's the fuss about?" Yeki asked and sat on the bed. "Shall we tell him?" Itome asked.

"Tell me what?...." Yekiro asked concerned and looked at his parents. "We were planning to take you on a trip to Tokyo. So we can also meet your uncle Toono and Kashima" Both of them said, and laughed to there stupidness.

"Ohh wait, seryoso ba to? Or your just playing games at me? I mean dad,pa mahal kaya yung bayad here to Tokyo." Yeki said concerned.

"Sweetheart. You forgot that were rich and I own an airport...." Akemi said kneeled down and cupped his son's cheek. "Ohhh right yeah sorry." Yeki said. "It's fine. We're going right now." Itome said. "I NEED TO CHANGE! PA!" Yeki pressuredly yelled.

"What's wrong you wearing a ripped shorts, a hanging sweatshirt?" Itome asked. "Dad,are you kidding me? I wore this yesterday and it's smells! I'm gonna change,wait for me please" Yeki said getting out of the room and went in to his room to change.

Yeki is now wearing his uncle Itsuki's hand-me-downs,an off shoulder, and a shorts.

"PA! DAD! HOW MANY DAYS ARE WE STAYING IN TOKYO?" Yeki yelled. "TWO WEEKS!" the parents replied. "THANKS!" said Yeki.

He packed his uncle Itsuki's hand-me-downs which was a lot. Itsuki gave Yeki a lot of clothes that involve showing his stomach,and shorts. Yekiro is like his uncle Itsuki,a feminine boy.

"I'm ready! Let's go!" Yeki said excitingly, "your more excited than we thought" Akemi said smirking and rolled his eyes, "papa are you kidding me? It's Tokyo of course I'd be happy." Yeki replied, "good point" Itome said opening the car.

*At Akemi's airport which is named shroom port*

They went in to the plane that Akemi reserved,and sat on the luxury area.

It was a one day flight. And the family was obviously doing there thing. Yekiro was reading my one and only cat, Akemi was singing along to TWICE's playlist,and Itome, sleeping, putting his head on Akemi's shoulder. (awww how sweet, whatever back to the fanfic),

"Paaaa, I'm hungry....!" Yeki said with a sad face. Damn he really got Akemi's gene. "What do you want to eat?" Akemi asked. "Do you have chips? Like Pringles or something.." Yekiro asked.

"I actually bought some here" Akemi said and handed the can of Pringles. "Thanks pa" yeki said and ate the pringles while listening to "touch you".

After eating Yekiro fell asleep. The current time was 12 in the midnight. So the time of there landing is at 8am since that's the time they flew off.

And yes Itome just slept the whole flight not giving a damn of what's happening.

*Timeskip: they landed off to Tokyo airport*

Akemi called Kashima and Toono to pick them up from the airport. Few minutes later,Toono and Kashima arrived and picked up the fam.

*Timeskip again cause I'm bored: at Kashima and Toono's house*

"Ugh. Dad,pa are we in Tokyo now?" Yekiro asked, "yes you are sweetheart" Toono lovingly said. "Uncle!!" Yeki said as he hugged his brown haired uncle and dark bluish uncle. "Hey Yeki! Long time no see!" Toono said.

"I- we have a guest room we cleaned it up..." Kashima embarrassingly says. "Lead the way uncle cause I'm tired." Yeki said. "Mkay~" one of Yeki's uncle saud. They went upstairs using the elevator.

The room was in the 3rd floor. And it's big, it has two bathrooms,a king size bed,and tv that 16 inch long. And most importantly,it has a mushroom design,which Itome definitely loved.

"Itsuki and Tamura could come here. Since they lived here I Tokyo as well." Toono said, "daddy papa! Can uncle Itsuki come here I wanna meet him!!" Yeki said. "Of course,hold on I'm calling him."

After calling, Itsuki and Tamura agreed. "They'd be here in a few minutes." Akemi said.

*Timeskip: Itsuki and Tamura arrived*

"UNCLE TSUKI! UNCLE YUI!" Yeki ran directly into his uncles like a kid. "Hey big man! Happy belated birthday! I've got something here." Tamura handed his gift, it's a girly clothes. "Thanks uncle!" Yeki said.

"We're gonna give you a tour tomorrow you Filipino peeps" Itsuki said. "Hey Toono, were gonna check in here, a room that's beside this room" Tamura said. "Ok tamu-senpai! It's actually ready and you can just go in the room." Toono said.

"Thanks bitch, anyways,were gonna go head in to our room. And have a good rest see you later for dinner our treat and tomorrow! Byeee!" Tamura said.


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