Tokyo Tour

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No one owns this POV:
"Upa nanum, sleepyheads" Itsuki turned on the lights on Itome and Akemi's room. Akemi and Yekiro groaned cause they were having a good sleep.

"Shika-chan! What the hell" Akemi said covering his face on the pillow making his voice muffled. "You wanna have the tour or nah? Cause after the tour I wanna visit your country~" Tamura teasingly said.

"Uncle,why do you want to visit our country?" Yeki asked, "your country looks so fun to stroll" Itsuki said. "Fine will have the tour,but we need to clean up and change" Akemi said as he entered the bathroom.

Few baths later, Yeki look stunning as usual,with his two colored eyes blonde and the hand-me-downs from Itsuki.

Some tour later and some money spending later. They went back to Toono's house, and all of them packed there things.

"I'm excited to visit the Philippines once more!" Toono said, "You've been there uncle?" Yeki asked, "Yup! My mom's side live there!" Toono answered. "Ohhh,that makes sense, since you've been cooking a lot of our dish." Yeki answered, "I can't help it! It's very yummy!" Toono answered.

After that conversation, they all went in the car,and went to buy some snacks and drinks,and yes I know your not allowed to bring drinks in an airplane,but Akemi owns it alright?

"Yeki-san!" Itome called Yeki,as they went in a 7-11, "yes?" Yeki answered his dad, "have this money buy whatever you want in this store" Itome said handing 574,569¥ or 5,000$.

"Thank you daddy!" Yeki said being a grateful child, they all went in the store. "Hey papa, can I bring drinks on the plane?" Yeki asked Akemi, "yep! Buy whatever drink you want!" Akemi said,as Yekiro thanked him.

After buying a fuck ton of snacks,foods,drinks, they went in the airport and rode the plane that Akemi reserved for them, and of course,they head straight in the luxury area.

Toono,Kashima,Akemi,Itome and Tamura was talking about stuff. While Itsuki was playing with his friend's son.

Yekiro fell asleep into his uncle's shoulder. And Itsuki took care of him as his own.

Time check, 6:30 in the evening and they were eating dinner. Yeki ate the rice+chicken+gravy he bought at the store a while ago.

After that delicious meal,yeki drank his nightly vitamins, and slept for the next 8hrs.


I'm gonna end that here and yeah.... bye

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