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Taehyung POV:

I am numb.

I can't feel anything. Why?

I see Jin hyung getting mad. I see Namjoon tried to explain this predicament but why am I like this. I'm not mad nor happy about it. More like understanding the whole situation.

Mafia. They are all involved in a mafia. I have never thought that I would be involve with people like them. How can I not see it before?

Maybe because of their clean look despite the mafia image shown on movies. Nobody would know.

Reality check. My fiancée is a mafia leader. I'm still lost, tell me what should I feel now?

Maybe I should feel scared because more than once I have make their leader mad or more like irritate him and even pick a fight but I'm still here breathing. Yes.. I'm supposed to feel that but I'm not. I can see the worries in his eyes when the voice mentioned my name as his weakness.

Jin hyung is very angry right now. Whatever Joonie hyung said didn't effect him at all. Joonie hyung even receives a slap from Jin and the whole room went silent for 5 second before getting back at their things.

Jungkook hasn't said a word to me since the sudden announcement. He is still busy discussing with the rest of the gang, he is the leader after all. I can see that Jungkook is piss mad right now. The angry leader aura he is emitting is very dark and scary.

"Jeon JUNGKOOK! I have enough shit! Let us go! We are not apart from your stupid mafia gang and we don't want to have anything to do with any of you anymore!" Jin hyung is not playing. He said all that while looking straight to Namjoon.

"Mind your words!" The smaller guy name Jimin warn lowly. I think he hates us or more specifically me.

"I don't want to die because of you or all of you. You are CRIMINAL!" I'm surprised to hear he said it like that. As if Namjoon hyung is nobody to him.

"Hyung.... Calm down. Don't say it like that. We don't judge poeple like that. You are better than this." I don't want Jin hyung to regret it later.

"Let's just wait for a while. They are trying to make sure of our safety if we are to leave later. Please... For me?" I tried to speak for Jin ear only but I'm sure Jungkook and Jimin heard me because they stand not far from us.

Jin silently agree and straight away claim the 3 seater couch all to himself and lay down with a warning not to disturb his sleep.

" Thank you Tae and I'm sorry for all this." Namjoon hyung talk to me.

"Its okay, as long as nobody got hurt." I said calmly.

"But your hyung is very mad right now. For all I know, he will demand for a break up." He said with sad voice believing every word Jin hyung said but I know him better.

"Joonie hyung, I think he is more disappointed because you lie to him its not because of your job. You lie to him so he feels that you don't trust him when he needed that the most in a relationship. Don't give in yet, I know how his mind work. He doesn't hate you." I have to make sure Namjoon hyung doesn't give up because he is I believe the best brother in law I could ever have.

"How can you say that Tae. You heard him just now....its hatred..." My chuckle receive a confuse look from him.

"He doesn't hate you, he is just torturing you as a punishment or in a simple words revenge. You break his heart when you lie so he is getting revenge but trust me hate is not it. Just receive the punishment." I smile to see his brighter face than the gloomy face before.

"Thanks bear. I love him even more now." Namjoon said while looking at a sleeping Jin hyung. I wish someone with look at me like that.

After the conversation with Namjoon hyung he continued with his work and everyone else are also into their work in located the man who dare to threat Jungkook. I'm really clueless about their Mafia world and how high is his ranking or you can say influence. I only knew about his legal business. How can he live in both worlds and excel in both?!

I'm sleepy but there are no other place to lay down so I squeeze on the couch with Jin fall asleep easily after a tiring day.

Jin hyung voice woke me up from my sleep.

"Bear... Wake up." The first thing I did is check the time to see its 10 in the morning.

"I'll send both of you home." Namjoon interrupt.

"Its safe to go now?" He noded to answer my question but suddenly Hoseok came running to me.

"Tae, Jungkook fainted, he boiling." In a swift I get up to see they are moving him to the couch.

"First aid Kit?" The doctor in me came out naturally when they handed me the kit. Luckily they have a complete kit for emergency like this.

Jungkook temperature is very high amd and I also remember he didn't eat anything at the event last night and even when we were here.

Jimin stop my hand when I'm about to inject the appropriate medicine to reduce his fever quickly.

(I know shit about medical so forgive me.)

"How can I trust you that you are not killing him." I said in serious killer mode and again why am I not afraid?

"Because I took Hippocratic Oath when I became a doctor. We don't judge and we don't take sides. All lifes are equal to me." I reply with confidence while looking straight into his eyes and slowly he loose his grip on my hand and I continue my work with Jin hyung help.

I order them to bring Jungkook to our hospital because I want to make sure he is fine by myself or maybe because I'm worried. He hasn't said anything to me. For all I know, I want to make sure he didn't think about anything Jin hyung said last night.

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