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Author: Captain_Sham

A fictional series by the author, you will love it telling you<3


'Sivasya hridayam vishnur-vishnoscha hridayam sivah' Vishnu is the heart of Shiva and likewise Shiva is the heart of Vishnu'.

Harihar, the combined form of Hari that is Narayan and Har that is Mahadev represents the concept of oneness of all exsistence.

Meet Amarsri, the feminine physical embodiment of Harihar, see how she takes part in the Mahabharat and becomes the Krishna of Suryaputra Karna.

Meet Amarsri, the feminine physical embodiment of Harihar, see how she takes part in the Mahabharat and becomes the Krishna of Suryaputra Karna

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Harihareshwari is finally united with both Narayan and Mahadev. She maintains the balance of the universe from Harihar lok, sitting on Nagraj Karkotaka with 4 young Brahmins serving her.

Being the one for whom Narayan wrecked havoc in Patal lok, she is not exactly loved by Asurs especially Shukracharya. Due to this she has a lot of enemies, and her devotees are an easy target for the wicked Asurs. 

Watch how she aids and protects her devotees, and solves the problems of Gods with her brothers Kartik and Ganesh.

But how did Karkotaka became her seat ? What is Harihar Lok ? Who are the 4 young Brahmins ? Will the Asurs be a hurdle in her way ? What will Shukracharya do when he finds out his curse was broken successfully ?

But how did Karkotaka became her seat ? What is Harihar Lok ? Who are the 4 young Brahmins ? Will the Asurs be a hurdle in her way ? What will Shukracharya do when he finds out his curse was broken successfully ?

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Everyone needs love to complete themselves. Narayan needs Mata Laxmi, Mahadev needs Mata Parvati. 

But what about Amarsri ? Who would be eligible for the mighty Harihareshwari herself ? Suitable for the one who is both Narayan and Mahadev ? 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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